Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
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Electoral Services
Town Hall St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.
General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(e) – processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Personal data may be provided to us directly by organisations or individuals submitting their representations and views as part of the public consultation stages of a community governance review. Information will be submitted directly by those taking part in the consultation exercise either by email: or Electoral Services’ postal address at the Town Hall.
We may also collect information relating to potential consultees (community groups and individuals operating in the review area) in order for us to create our consultation database and meet the requirement to proactively consult with stakeholders who we believe may have an interest in the review and invite them to engage in the review process.
These details may be provided to us directly by elected members or internal council departments where they are permitted to share the details with us. Where contact details cannot be shared, Electoral Services attempts to create its own list of groups with corresponding contact details from information which is already in the public domain, for example where contact details are published on websites.
Anyone taking part in a community governance review consultation will be required to provide their name and address when submitting their views as part of a public consultation.
When Electoral Services compiles its own consultee database, the name of the organisation and an electronic contact address is collected.
The name and address of organisations and individuals responding to a consultation is used to determine the consultee’s link to the review area. Information about who has submitted evidence or feedback as part of a consultation is shared with the Community Governance Review Working Group as the evidence is considered as part of the Group’s decision-making process when formulating the Draft and Final Recommendations of the review.
Evidence supplied during the consultations may be published on our webpages as part of the review process for transparency purposes so the wider public can see the level of engagement with the process. All personal data (names and addresses for example) will be redacted beforehand.
The cross-party member-led Community Governance Review Work Group will have access to the details of community groups or individuals who have responded to the consultation.
Officers within Electoral Services and other internal departments who provide assistance to members who sit on the Working Group (e.g. Communications and Council Tax) may also have access to your details and comments provided as part
of the consultation.
Your personal data is not shared outside of the Royal Borough and is strictly retained within the organisation for the purposes of the review.
All records and files relevant to the review are retained on file by us until the conclusion of each community governance review. Where the outcome of a community governance review recommends that no changes to existing parish governance arrangements should take place, all personal data collected and used as part of the consultation exercises will be destroyed when Full Council endorses the Final Recommendations of the review.
Where the outcome of a community governance review recommends that some changes are made to existing parish governance arrangements (e.g the creation of a new parish/town council, the amendment of parish boundaries or changes to the number of elected representatives), all personal data held as part of the consultation exercises will be retained by the council until it has made its Re-Organisation Order which brings the changes into effect.
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