Flood Risk Management: Privacy notice

Who we are

Communities Section,
Commissioning and Strategy,
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF

The lawful basis for processing the information

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 GDPR:

e) Our legal bases for using your personal information are to exercise our tasks in the public interest.

Provision for us to process this data is provided for in the: 

Main Primary legislation

  • Reservoirs Act 1975.
  • Highways Act 1980.
  • Water Resources Act 1991.
  • The Land Drainage Act 1991.
  • Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
  • Flood and Water Management Act 2010.
  • The Localism Act 2011.

Secondary Legislation

  • Water Environment Regulations 2003.
  • EU Floods Directive & Flood Risk Regulations 2009.
  • The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

How do we collect information

Personal data is provided by the customer either by post, telephone, in person or electronically by email or by completing our online forms on the Council’s website.

Information may also be provided to us from Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Customer Service Centre, Environment Agency, Thames Water and borough Parish Councils.

What type of information is collected

Name, address, contact details and nature of enquiry, for example what issue has been reported and details of what has been discussed.

How we use the information you have provided

The information is collected to enable customer enquiries to be resolved (such as further information required) for flood risk management purposes; to enable them to be processed and for enforcement and prosecution purposes if required.

Who has access to the information about you

Members of the Commissioning: Communities section have access to this information, along with authorised used of the JADU Customer Relationship Management system and Confirm asset management database.

Who we may share your information with

Depending on the nature of the enquiry information may be shared with the following:

Royal Borough Internal departments

  • RBWM Commissioning : Communities section.
  • RBWM Planning Enforcement.
  • RBWM Arboriculture team.
  • RBWM Risk and Insurance team.
  • RBWM Shared Legal Services.

External companies

  • Volker Highways.
  • Project Centre.
  • Environment Agency.
  • Thames Water.

How long we store your information

Permanent retention.

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No.