Address Management: Privacy notice

Who we are

Address Management
Town Hall St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF

Lawful basis for processing the information

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 GDPR:
e) Our legal bases for using your personal information are to exercise our tasks in the public interest

Provision for us to process this data is provided for in the: Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 section 64 and the Public Health Act 1925 sections 17-19.

How we collect information

Personal data is supplied by service users by completing New Address Registration Form or Address Amendment Form available for download from our website or sent if requested to service users. Personal data is also supplied by third parties such third parties such Property Developers, Letting Agents and Landlords.

What information is collected

Property owners’ name, address, contact and invoice details and their property ownership status.

How we use the information provided

Name and address are supplied as part of contact details to be used as part of the initial and continuing contact with service users. Name and address are used for invoice creation and potential debt recovery. Name and address and property ownership is collected as only a property owner can apply to change their own address. 

Who has access to the information about you

Data is stored on networked drives and in a case management database accessed only by the Address Management service.

Who we may share your information with

We share contact details and property ownership data with Revenues and Benefits.

How long we store your information

Our standard retention policy is six years.

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No