The Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) is a network of heathlands designated for their internationally important bird populations of Dartford warbler, nightjar and woodlark. It has been shown that recreational use of the heathlands can affect the bird populations. Further information is provided at the bottom of this page.
As part of its local planning strategy, the council has prepared a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to help address the impacts of recreational disturbance arising from new residential development.
The SPD sets standards for how new residential developments will be expected to avoid and mitigate impact on the SPA. This was adopted on 29th July 2010 and forms part of the council's Local Development Framework. It is a material consideration in the assessment and determination of planning applications for housing development within a 5km straight line distance of the SPA.
Since the SPD was adopted mitigation for around 460 homes has been found in form of Allen's Field SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace). This means that it is possible to mitigate new housing development within 2km of the Allen's Field SANG, and also small housing developments (fewer than 10 net dwellings) within 5km of the SPA (a map showing the buffer can be downloaded below).
Financial contributions are sought (see the Developer Contributions SPD) and the remaining capacity of the SANG is being monitored. New net residential development within 400m of the SPA cannot be mitigated, and development that does not fall within the catchment of the Allen's Field SANG will require bespoke mitigation measures.
The adopted SPD, the associated Consultation Report and Adoption Statement are available to download below.
- Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD
- Adoption Statement: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD
- Consultation Statement: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD
Sustainability appraisal
The production of the SPD has been informed by a Sustainability Appraisal and an Appropriate Assessment screening report. These may be downloaded below.
- Sustainability Appraisal: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD
- Appropriate Assessment Screening Report: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD