Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A wide variety of valuable wildlife habitats exists in the borough. This diverse range of habitats aids the survival of numerous species of flora and fauna, as well as enhancing the character and appearance of the rural environment.
A developer contribution towards SANG and SAMM will be required for all applications for residential development which:
Developments that provide bespoke SANG will not need to pay the SANG tariff but must still pay SAMM contributions.
Unlike SANG contributions, which are collected locally and relate to a specific site, SAMM contributions are collected centrally and used strategically across the SPA. This ensures that visitor management on the SPA is co-ordinated across the whole area, so that displacement of visitors from one area of the SPA to another is avoided.
For Third Party SANGs the SANG contribution will be set by, and paid directly to, the provider and owner of the private SANG (please note ‘private’ refers to ownership only and does not indicate a restriction on public access; all SANGs must be publicly accessible). The SAMM contribution will continue to be paid to the Council and passed on to the administrative body.
For Strategic SANGs, of which currently Allen’s Field is the only one within the Royal Borough, the Council will secure financial contributions for both SANG and SAMM via a s106 agreement. Contributions need to be in proportion to the proposed development and sufficient to avoid and mitigate adverse effects.
The contributions tariff for Allen’s Field Strategic SANG and the SAMM tariff for all sites are detailed below and are effective from Saturday 1 April 2024:
Dwelling Size | Expected Occupancy | SANG Tariff | SAMM Tariff |
Bedsit/ 1 bed dwelling | 1.40 | £9,356.11 | £558.07 |
2 bed dwelling | 1.85 | £10,208.93 | £737.45 |
3 bed dwelling | 2.50 | £11,357.25 | £996.55 |
4 bed dwelling | 2.84 | £11,959.24 | £1,132.08 |
5+ bed dwelling | 3.70 | £13,477.43 | £1,474.89 |
Third Party SANGs will have different tariffs and the SANG provider will confirm their fees upon request.
Further information about the SAMM tariffs are available to download below:
In addition to the above costs, you will be required to meet the Council’s legal costs of processing the legal agreement.
In this regard please contact