Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A wide variety of valuable wildlife habitats exists in the borough. This diverse range of habitats aids the survival of numerous species of flora and fauna, as well as enhancing the character and appearance of the rural environment.
There are three main types of SANG:
Strategic SANGs are owned and maintained by the relevant local authority, or similar body, and provide avoidance measures for developments that cannot provide their own on-site SANG.
Bespoke SANGs are new open spaces, provided by mostly large developments, that provide avoidance measures for a specific development.
Third Party SANGs are privately provided and owned open spaces, approved through a planning permission, that developers can directly purchase SANG capacity by private contract in agreement with the local authority.
Guidelines for the creation of new SANG have been produced by Natural England and shown in the updated sang guidance (August 2021).
Where a SANG does not include a car park, the catchment area is considered to be 400m, in all other cases the catchment area is determined by the overall size of SANG, as follows:
SANG size | Catchment area |
2 to 12 hectares | 2km |
12 to 20 hectares | 4km |
20+ hectares | 5km |
Residential developments with a net increase of 10 or more units that are allocated to a SANG should be located within the specific SANGs catchment area (included in the table below). Developments with a net increase of less than 10 units need not be within a specified distance of a SANG, provided that overall there is sufficient SANG capacity.
The table below includes the SANGs that the Council uses for allocating new residential development, indicating their capacity status.
Name of SANG | Type of SANG | Capacity Status | SANG Catchment size | SANG Catchment Area |
Allen’s Field | Strategic | Limited Capacity Available | 2-12 hectares | Allen's Field SANG Buffer |
Heatherwood | Bespoke (Private) SANG | None | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Sunningdale Park | Third Party Private | Capacity Available | 12-20 hectares | Sunningdale Park SANG Buffer |
Frost Folly | Third Party Private (outside of Borough boundary) | Capacity Available | 12-20 hectares | Frost Folly SANG Buffer |
This table is intended for guidance purposes only and it is advised applicant’s contact the Council, via to confirm SANG capacity prior to submitting a planning application for residential development within the SANG catchment area.