Council tax communication
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Petitions submitted to the council between 2015 to date.
The below petitions have been formally submitted to the Council as they have passed the required threshold. For further information on this, please visit the petitions page.
To view and/or sign petitions that have not yet been submitted to the Council, which are currently being hosted by the Council for signatures, then please visit the E-petitions website.
Presented by: Paul Ringer - E-petition submitted Sunday 16 May 2021.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to OBJECT to the proposal for NINE apartments and new boundary treatment with associated parking and amenity space on the 'land adjacent to 33A The Crescent, Maidenhead, SL6 6AG Planning reference Ref. No: 20/03261/FULL.
Update: The petition was included in the representations relating to the application. The application was refused on Thursday 1 April 2021.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Sarah Walker - E-petition submitted Monday 21 June 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: Prioritise a pedestrian crossing at end of Kennel Avenue across A332 to Ascot Heath racecourse.
Update: The Council met with the Lead Petitioner in 2021 and has completed the agreed investigations into the location and issue raised. Based on the data collected, the speed limit is appropriate for the nature of the road with traffic broadly observing it. As there are informal crossing points available for pedestrians, it is the recommendation of the transport team for no action to be taken. Whilst we appreciate this is not the petition’s desired outcome, it is viewed that the current set up is most appropriate with any changes that could be implemented, having the potential to increase risks or be disproportionate to the issues raised as of Monday 7 March 2022.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Lars Swann - E-petition submitted Tuesday 22 June 2021.
Lead Officer: Kevin McDaniel - Executive Director of Children's Services.
Petition: Establish a Co-Education Secondary School in Windsor.
Update: Considered by Cabinet on Thursday 24 June 2021. A review of the expansion of school places in Windsor was agreed. This indicated a likely reduction in the number of school places needed across the Borough which meant that there continued to be insufficient demand for a further expansion of schools which would enable consideration of a co-educational secondary school in Windsor. The Borough would continue to monitor the demand for school places and ensure that co-educational options are considered when more capacity is needed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: John Webb - E-petition submitted Friday 25 June 2021.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: Re-establish two separate Development Planning Panels for Windsor and Maidenhead in line with the understanding agreed by Councillors when COVID struck.
Update: Considered by Full Council on Tuesday 29 June 2021. Two Panels were established from Sunday 1 August 2021.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Lesley Flanagan - Petition submitted Wednesday 7 July 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: To make Ellington Park safer by making it a one-way system and speed limit of 10mph.
Update: Council officers engaged with Local Ward Councillors regarding the content of this petition in late June 2022, where the scheme was then ordered. Local Ward Councillors have kept the Lead Petitioner up to date with progress. The 20mph and one-way scheme was installed in March 2023.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Hugh Laurie - Petition submitted Friday 23 July 2021.
Lead Officer: Alysse Strachan - Head of Neighbourhood Services.
Petition: CCTV on grass between Eden Place and London Road, Sunningdale - immediately cease any further installation/go-live plans for this camera until the matters are addressed.
Update: Background information was provided to the Lead Petitioner on Thursday 9 September 2021 by Tim Golabek, the Service Lead for Transport and Infrastructure and an offer to discuss this further was made. This offer was not taken up and therefore the petition was closed as of Monday 7 March 2022.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: M. Gogna - Petition submitted Monday 2 August 2021.
Lead Officer: Greg Nelson - Trading Standards and Licensing Manager.
Petition: Opposed to the licensing application at Ditton Manor.
Update: The petition was included as a formal objection to the licensing application. The Licensing & Public Space Protection Order Sub-Committee sat on Wednesday 29 September 2021, with a license permitted.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Rosie Street - Petition submitted Friday 10 September 2021.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: Reject any proposal to open public access across the designated priority habitat of the East Field at Battlemead Common.
Update: The petition was considered at Cabinet on Thursday 30 September 2021. Cabinet were addressed by Phoebe Ibison on the matter. The proposals for Battlemead Common were approved by Cabinet.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Cllr Haseler on behalf of Cllr McWilliams at Full Council Tuesday 28 September 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to consider pedestrian and cycle improvements to Harvest Hill Road and to encourage sustainable travel
Update: Harvest Hill Road is a key part of the South-West Maidenhead development as outlined within the Borough Local Plan. Investigations have taken place and improvements are constantly reviewed in accordance with the Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP). This is a longer-term project in which walking, and cycling will be reviewed and included in main developer schemes.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Sajid Khan
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to Object to the planning proposal submitted to develop St Cloud Way <21/00502/FULL TC>
Update: The petition was submitted to the Head of Service to be included as a representation to the planning application. The petition was taken into account in the consideration of the application by the case officer and by the Maidenhead Development Management Committee when they considered the application on Wednesday 15 December 2021. The application was deferred and delegated to the Head of Planning.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Kate Vallance - Petition submitted Tuesday 19 October 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: To reduce dangerous traffic speed on London Road (A329) between Cheapside Rd and Sunninghill.
Update: A speed survey has been carried out along this stretch of road and the results showed that 85% of westbound traffic was travelling at a speed of 36.2mph or less. The corresponding speed for traffic travelling eastbound was 38.0mph.
There were a number of vehicles that were exceeding the speed limit, 3.5% westbound and 6.5% eastbound. The issue of the speeding vehicles will need to be taken up with Thames Valley Police as they are responsible for speed enforcement.
The Council has no powers to enforce speed limits. In view of the above survey readings, the speed limit would appear to be in line with driver expectations and suitable for this type of road. Therefore, the Council has no plans to reduce the speed limit from the existing 40mph along this stretch of road as of Monday 7 March 2022.
As allowed in the council's petition scheme, the Lead Petitioner asked on Sunday 3 July 2022 for the petition to be considered by the appropriate body. The petition was debated at Cabinet on Thursday 29 September 2022, where the Lead Petitioner attended the meeting and addressed Cabinet. The Cabinet voted unanimously in favour of the officer's recommendations, which was to maintain the current 40mph speed limit.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Melanie Hill - Petition submitted Friday 5 November 2021.
Lead Officer: RBWM Chief Executive
Petition: To Save the Town Hall.
Update: This petition was debated at Full Council on Tuesday 25 January 2022. Full Council noted the petition and agreed to continue to investigate the situation. It was confirmed by officers on Tuesday 24 October 2023 that there were no plans to relocate away from the Town Hall.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Councillor Tisi on behalf of Martin Gibbons at Full Council on Tuesday 23 November 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to urgently upgrade the existing Zebra crossings on Maidenhead Road adjacent to the Parsonage Lane/Mill Lane mini roundabout to Toucan crossings, also to introduce traffic calming measures and reduce the speed limit.
Update: The junction was investigated to determine the most appropriate way forward. The potential scheme was discussed with Ward Councillors in September 2022. Public consultation ended on Sunday 5 February 2023. Two public presentations were also held during this consultation period, with feedback feedback revealing several concerns. This was removed from the Cabinet Forward Plan on Thursday 12 October 2023 due to further financial assessments having to be made and therefore the proposal would not be going ahead.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Councillor L. Jones on behalf of Jo Silk at Full Council on Tuesday 23 November 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to carry out an urgent review of road safety to inform improvements for children walking and cycling to Trevelyan Middle School; and install additional crossings on St Leonard’s Road and Bolton Road.
Update: The petitioner met the Service Lead for Transport and an approach to investigation was agreed. The Council’s Traffic Safety Manager has kept the petitioner up to date with progress which includes a proposal to raise the zebra crossing. It was established that a Bolton Road crossing was not feasible. Councillor L. Jones and the Lead Petitioner were both updated in August 2022 on progress. A scheme was agreed with Ward Councillors to have a traffic light crossing installed. Final designs were completed as of Monday 13 February 2023, however strong objections were received from local residents and the scheme was paused due to the proximity to the Local Election on Thursday 4 May 2023. A full consultation has since occurred for the zebra crossing to be changed into a traffic light crossing. As of Wednesday 6 March 2024, a design has been drawn up and agreed by Ward Councillors, with a planned installation to commence in the school summer holidays 2024, to avoid congestion.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Tina Quadrino - Petition Submitted Monday 7 February 2022.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to stop all plans to build on Maidenhead Golf Course, by rejecting the Borough Local Plan when it comes to Full Council for adoption.
Update: The petition was considered at the Extraordinary Full Council meeting on Tuesday 8 February 2022. Full Council approved the Borough Local Plan.
Petition Status: Complete