Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Petitions submitted to the council between 2015 to date.
Presented by: Parish Councillor Margaret Lenton - E-petition submitted Wednesday 14 April 2021.
Lead Officer: Andrew Vallance - Head of Finance / Simon Dale - Interim Head of Highways
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to honour its commitment to partnership funding of the River Thames Scheme.
Update: The petition was debated at Full Council on Tuesday 27 April 2021. A motion was passed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Helal Stephan - E-petition submitted Monday 22 March 2021.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to turn down the resubmitted planning application 16/03056 for fivefold expansion of the permitted capacity of Waste Transfer Station at Kimbers Lane.
Update: The petition was included in the representations relating to the application. The application was refused on Thursday 24 June 2021.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Stephanie Collins - E-petition submitted Monday 22 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to implement traffic calming measures which forces traffic to keep to a 30 mph speed limit from Bisham roundabout to Bisham Abbey, then to reduce to 20 mph from the Abbey to 10 metres past the school, increasing to 30 mph to Marlow Bridge.
Update: A meeting was held on Wednesday 17 March 2021 with agreement to run a traffic survey once road usage returns to more normal levels. The Head of Service, Service lead and Lead Member discussed the matter of the E-petition with the resident in 2021. Following a review of the available data and using additional speed surveys, it was judged that the area would benefit from minor additional measures which are currently on order following further engagement with the Ward Councillor. This petition has been resolved to the Lead Petitioner’s satisfaction as of Monday 7 March 2022.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Adam Bermange - E-petition submitted Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Alysse Strachan, Head of Neighbourhood Services.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to abandon plans to introduce parking charges at out-of-town locations.
Update: The proposal to introduce charges at rural car parks in the borough was removed from the budget proposals considered by Full Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 February 2021.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Eton Wick Village Association of Eton Wick Village Association - E-petition submitted Tuesday 16 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to remove Haywards Mead car park, in Eton Wick, from the list of proposed rural car parks that charging would be introduced.
Update: The proposal to introduce charges at rural car parks in the borough was removed from the budget proposals considered by Full Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 February 2021.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Ed Wilson - E-petition submitted Tuesday 16 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Simon Dale - Commissioning - interim Head of Highways.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to keep weekly bin collections.
Update: The petition was considered as part of the overall budget debate at Full Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 February 2021. The proposals relating to amendments to waste collections in the budget were approved.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: John Clifton - E-petition submitted Wednesday 10 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead - Transport and Infrastructure / Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to back off plans for a low traffic neighbourhood in Clewer/Dedworth.
Update: Following the consultation, it was decided not to pursue the proposals.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Helal Stephan - E-petition submitted Wednesday 10 February 2021.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead - Transport and Infrastructure / Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to abandon their plans or thoughts of introducing a Bus Gate on Shoppenhangers Road.
Update: Following the consultation, it was decided not to pursue the proposals.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Laura Wyatt - E-petition submitted Wednesday 27 January 2021.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to undertake a consultation of the speed of the traffic, and the weight of traffic on the Holyport Road.
Update: A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 23 March 2021. The Traffic Safety Manager updated the Lead Petitioner on current status and options in April 2022. A sight visit was offered to the Lead Petitioner, but this was declined. Survey results were shared with a phone discussion. Lead Petitioner was left to Contact Thames valley Police regarding the Community Speed watch initiative. No further contact has been received from the Lead Petitioner since April 2022 suggesting a conclusion to this petition.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Andrew Cormie - E-petition submitted Monday 25 January 2021.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to either change the speed limit on the A308 between Braywick Roundabout and Fifield Road to 30 mph or explain why RBWM refuse to do so.
Update: Was considered at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 4 February 2021. The Lead Petitioner declined the invitation to attend the meeting to address the Cabinet as the subject matter was already planned on being addressed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Ed Wilson - E-petition submitted Tuesday 5 January 2021.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to protect open spaces and keep "adopted" land clear of development.
Update: This was submitted to the Head of Planning. Comments are awaited as of Wednesday 11 October 2023.
Petition Status: Ongoing
Presented by: Tina Quadrino - E-petition submitted Monday 21 December 2020.
Lead Officer: Andrew Durrant - Executive Director of Place Services
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to save this wildlife rich green space in our town centre to create a new park for all the people of Maidenhead to enjoy.
Update: The petition was debated at the Extraordinary Full Council meeting on Tuesday 2 March 2021. A motion in support of the petition was rejected.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Brian McCormack - E-petition submitted Monday 14 December 2020.
Lead Officer: Simon Dale - Commissioning - Infrastructure
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to offer free parking for residents over the important Christmas retail period to help boost Windsor footfall.
Update: Considered as part of the debate on 'Motion on Notice a)' at Full Council on Tuesday 15 December 2020. The motion was refused.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Stewart A McNair - E-petition submitted Tuesday 8 December 2020.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to slow traffic in Lady Margaret Road.
Update: Meeting took place on Tuesday 2 March 2021 and agreed to run a road traffic survey when road usage returns to a more normal level post-lockdown. Survey undertaken July 2021. Results were communicated to the Lead Petitioner in December 2021 with an invite to submit feedback on potential solutions. A progress update was provided on 7 January 2022 including potential options to reduce the impact of traffic on the road. The Lead Officer has since advised against any changes to the highway. This petition has now been closed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Abigail Tinson - E-petition submitted Friday 6 November 2020.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to Create Cycle Lanes Around Maidenhead For Safety, Health and Pollution Benefits.
Update: Meeting was held with Head of Service on Wednesday 16 December 2020 and agreement to continue engagement particularly in line with the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan process taking place later in the year. The Local Walking & Cycling Infrastructure Plan was approved by Cabinet on Thursday 23 June 2022, which was deemed as the key response to this petition. This petition is now closed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Christina Gray - E-petition submitted Tuesday 29 September 2020.
Lead Officer: Tim Golabek - Service Lead, Transport & Infrastructure / Huw Jones - Traffic Safety Manager
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to St Leonard's Road zebra crossing near stag meadows.
Update: Our Traffic Safety Manager contacted the Lead Petitioner outlining options for the crossing. Scheme drawings were shared with Ward Councillors in August 2022 with 3 potential options being identified. A speed survey has also been carried out. Discussions took place with Councillors in September 2022 and the scheme was reviewed. The intention is to tie it in with walking & cycling options and Springfield Road's 20mph safety scheme, which was installed just before May 2023. As of Wednesday 6 March 2024, Ward Councillors have now been involved in a new design and are supportive of this approach. Further consultation will now occur, however finances will be a stumbling block here. Ward Councillors are updating the residents on this position, but for now this is now closed.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Daniel Lingard - E-petition submitted Friday 25 September 2020.
Lead Officer: Adrien Waite - Head of Planning.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to preserve the green space adjacent to 59 Hemwood Road for the use and enjoyment of the residents.
Update: The petition was included in the representations relating to the application. The application was refused on Wednesday 21 October 2020.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Jack Douglas - E-petition submitted Monday 7 September 2020.
Lead Officer: Russell O'Keefe - Executive Director
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to stop RBWM demolishing Maidenhead Community Centre and moving us to an inadequate temporary site.
Update: The petition was debated at Full Council on Monday 28 September 2020. An offer of a permanent site was made.
Petition Status: Complete
Presented by: Karen Lloyd - E-petition submitted Tuesday 28 July 2020.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to urgently introduce traffic calming measures and upgrade existing crossing point to a controlled crossing at Maidenhead Road near the railway bridge, introduce a new controlled crossing point on Switchback Road adjacent to the shops and reduce speed limit and install cameras/calming measures.
Update: The petition was submitted to Full Council on Tuesday 28 July 2020. A meeting took place following this and 2 site visits were also carried out with the Head of Service for Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth, the relevant Cabinet Member, Local Ward Councillors and the Lead Petitioner on both Monday 28 February 2022 and Thursday 7 April 2022 respectively.
A new crossing has now been delivered at the southern end of Switchback Road North (close to Shifford Crescent) and proposals to better highlight the current 40mph have been suggested. Additional repeater signage and roundels have also been installed. A crossing near Whyteladyes Lane was reviewed.
There are now numerous engineering difficulties with this scheme, not least of which is the requirement for lighting. Due to financial pressures, this may now be a medium-term desire. This is still under discussions with the Parish Council as of Friday 18 November 2022. The Speed Watch initiative is in place along the Maidenhead Road in relation to speed complaints.
As of Monday 13 February 2023, work has now been carried out at Cannondown Bridge and Maidenhead Road to widen the footpath and reduce the speed of traffic approaching the bridge from Cookham. This has just been completed. Currently the upgrade to the crossing near Whyteladyes Lane is not in the 2023/24 financial year planning. Speed watch has been successful and liaison with Thames Valley Police is currently ongoing.
Petition Status: Complete