Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Petitions submitted to the council between 2015 to date.
Presented by: Councillor Ross McWilliams. E-Petition plus hard copy signatures submitted Monday 6 May 2019
Lead Officer: Andy Jeffs, Executive Director.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to support the expansion of Cox Green Community Centre car parking.
Update: Submitted to the Executive Director (Andy Jeffs) Tuesday 11 June 2019
Presented by: Tracy James on Wednesday 20 March 2019.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning, Communities.
Petition: We the undersigned hereby declare our opposition to and deep disappointment in the parking restrictions that have been proposed to be implemented on St Marks Road. These are not the restrictions residents have requested, they do not serve to meet the objectives of local residents and will create a chronic parking issue in the area as there will be more residents' cars than spaces available. We request that the scheme be adjusted as follows:
Residents permits be required between 11am - 1pm every weekday only, excluding bank holidays, no restrictions be made outside of these times, that these residents' permits are transferable through Raymond Road, Wellington Road and St Marks Road, that residents with off-road parking are not able to apply for residents permits unless the cars within their household exceed the number reasonably accommodated by their off-road parking.
We are willing to compromise with agreement to the double yellow lines on the side of the road made up of odd numbered houses as per the existing proposal, despite this removing yet further capacity for which there is no allowance in the proposals.
Should these adjustments be made, the following issues will occur:
There will be enough spaces for the residents of St Marks Road without off-road parking to park at any time, in or outside the hours of the permit restrictions.
Business parkers and commuters travelling to London outside of peak times will still be taking up spaces during the day. For these reasons it is clear that the proposals do not meet objectives and are therefore not fit for purpose.
Update: A number of changes were agreed in relation to new parking restrictions in the St Marks Road area.
Presented by: David Knowles-Leak on Thursday 21 February 2019
Lead Officer: Rob Stubbs - Head of Finance.
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to censure the Cabinet and reject the proposed budget for 2019/20.
Update: Full Council debated the petition at Full Council on Tuesday 26 February 2019 and:
RESOLVED: That Full Council approves the:
Detailed recommendations contained in Appendix A which includes a base council tax at Band D of £961.33, including a 2.99% increase of £27.91.
Adult social care precept to remain unchanged at £74.74.
Fees and charges contained in Appendix D.
Capital strategy in Appendix G.
Capital programme, shown in Appendices H & I, for the financial years 2019/20 to 2021/22.
Prudential borrowing set out in Appendix L.
Business rate tax base calculation, detailed in Appendix P, and its use in the council tax requirement in Appendix A.
Deputy Director and Head of Finance in consultation with the Lead Members for Finance and Children's Services to amend the total schools budget to reflect actual Dedicated Schools Grant once received.
Delegation to the Deputy Director and Head of Finance and Lead Member for Finance to include the precept from the Berkshire Fire and Rescue Authority once the precept is announced.
Presented by: Councillor Geoffrey Hill on Friday 8 February 2019.
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to place a blanket Tree Preservation Order on the Maidenhead Golf Club development site.
Update: Full Council debated the petition at Full Council on Tuesday 26 February 2019 and:
RESOLVED: That Full Council notes the report and:
Reiterates it's firm commitment to maintain and enhancing the borough's trees and woodlands as a vital part of the environment of the borough.
Acknowledges the petition and approves funding of £40,000 from revenue in the financial year 2019/20 to the Head of Planning to commission a consultant to conduct a detailed Arboricultural survey of the Maidenhead Golf Course site.
Presented by: Mrs Gillian Konrad and Dr. Joseph Konrad on Tuesday 12 February 2019.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning.
Petition: We the undersigned residents of Powney Road, ask Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead council not to implement the proposed parking restrictions - Monday to Friday 10am to 11am, as described in their letter dated Monday 7 January 2019.
Update: It was agreed to remove Powney Road from the new St Marks Road parking restrictions.
Presented by: Graham King on Thursday 24 January 2019.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning.
Petition: We the undersigned, petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to undertake a study to find the most effective way of reducing traffic speeds in Courthouse Road.
Outcome: Officers met with the Lead Petitioner in late May 2019 and are preparing design options to improve road safety in Courthouse Road. Outline designs will be shared with Ward Members in late June 2019.
Presented by: Valerie Pike on Friday 18 January 2019.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning.
Petition: We the undersigned, petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to put an immediate halt to the new parking scheme on Chobham Road, Sunningdale. More details of the petition can be found at
Update: This petition was submitted at the time that implementation of the scheme had just started. Extensive consultation had been carried out on the scheme beforehand and it was resolved by councillors to implement. The decision was taken to proceed. The works were completed in the early Spring 2019.
Presented by: Andrew and Melissa Sidwell, Paul Ringer and Roger Williams on Friday 21 December 2018.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning.
Petition: We the undersigned, all being residents of The Crescent object in the strongest possible terms to the proposals in the Parking Review for the introduction of business permits and additional parking bays in The Crescent for the reasons laid out below (please contact to see the detailed reasons).
Update: A letter has been sent to all residents of The Crescent on 11 March 2019 informing them the proposal will not be pursued.
Presented by: Councillor Eileen Quick at Full Council on Tuesday 11 December 2018.
Lead Officer: David Scott - Head of Communities Enforcement and Partnerships
Petition: Objection to the proposed off-licence and supermarket at 113-117 Springfield Road, Windsor SL4 3PZ. We object to the proposed off-licence and supermarket as this would cause the following issues:
Crime and Disorder - The proposed opening hours of the off-licence from 6am to 11pm shows lack of awareness of the local area and a lack of responsibility to the community, with the potential increase in crime with the additional availability of alcohol until late.
The prevention of public nuisance - The availability of alcohol to be purchased for longer hours would potentially encourage youngsters to hang around on the benches nearby the area until late and misbehave in an anti-social behaviour.
The protection of children from harm - Increase in traffic due to delivery lorries, parking problems for residents and school would present a danger to the local children and the children attending the local school.
No requirement - There is no requirement for another shop with an alcohol licence on a parade of just three commercial properties, it would be far more beneficial to provide the diversity of another trade that locals, residents and the next door school can benefit from
Update: The Licensing Panel Sub Committee held on Wednesday 30 January 2019 approved the licence with the condition that deliveries could only take place between 9am and 4pm.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Simon Beer of '1995' on Wednesday 28 November 2018
Lead Officer: Simon Dale - interim Head of Highways
Petition: We, the undersigned, petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to install drinking water fountains in Windsor and Maidenhead High Streets.
Update: There is a refill initiative with businesses within the High Streets that would to be resurrected once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Mrs A Konig - Petition received Wednesday 14 November 2018
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We, the undersigned, petition the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to decline planning application to erect a five storey car par, at Vicus Way, Maidenhead (Planning Application 18/02105/FULL).
Update: Treated as a petition in representation to the planning application 18/02105/FULL - The planning application was approved at the Maidenhead Development Management Panel on 16 January 2019.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Rachel Clapp, Communications Officer of RARA - Petition received Tuesday 16 October 2018
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning - Communities
Petition: We, the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to install a pedestrian crossing on Braywick Road, leading to Braywick Park.
Update: The petition was debated by Full Council on 28 January 2019:
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Council notes the report and:
Acknowledges the petition and fully supports the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Braywick Road
Approves funding of £150,000 in the 2020/21 capital programme to deliver the pedestrian crossing.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - John Doheny/Joy Smith - Petition received Monday 24 September 2018
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: Stop the proposed development of the Moorings at Willows Riverside Park, Windsor (Full petition)
Update: Treated as a representation to the planning application 18/02344/FULL - This planning application was refused at the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel on 7 November 2018.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Councillor Jack Rankin - Petition received Monday 3 September 2018
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We, the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to defend the unanimous decision of the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel with whatever resource (legal and otherwise) necessary to fully and adequately protect our town from the proposed gross overdevelopment at the forthcoming appeal of planning application 18/00095/FULL.
Update: The petition was debated by Full Council on 28 January 2019:
Acknowledges the petition and underlying concerns from Windsor residents.
Commits to resourcing the legal appeal appropriate to the scale of these concerns and the implications of development.
Update: This planning application was refused at the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel. The applicants of the planning application appealed that decision and the appeal hearing is scheduled to take place on 26 March 2019 for three days.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Mrs J Smith - Petition received Monday 3 September 2018
Lead Officer: Barbara Richardson - Managing Director RBWM Property Company
Petition: We, the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to guarantee that at least 30% of future housing developments on council owned land are affordable. We are mindful of recent decisions to agree planning permission without the 30% affordable housing being included, where developers have used the "viability" clause and we believe that any developer of council owned land needs to be made aware at the outset that the commitment to 30% affordable housing is not negotiable. We further believe that the 30% affordable housing criteria for the proposed Golf Club redevelopment must include enough social housing for all the current Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead housing waiting list.
Update: The petition was dropped after consultation with the lead petitioner, who was reassured that 30% of council owned sites, would be for affordable housing.
On this basis the petitioner saw no need to take this process any further.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Lewis Trevellyan - Petition received Monday 6 August 2018
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: Petition to Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Queens Head Service Station, Windsor Road, Windsor SL4 5UJ; Planning Application 18/01687/FULL - The demolition of the existing site structures and removal of existing underground tanks and redevelopment of the site to include a four pump petrol filling station with associated retail store and associated facilities, extended parking provision and electric vehicle charging points. The petition refers to the above application and wish the council to accept signatures as evidence of support for the scheme and the desire for it to obtain planning approval, the grounds for which are set out within the Planning Statement prepared by Copesticks Limited.
Update: The petition was treated as a representation in respect of the planning application 18/01687/FULL - This application was refused at the Maidenhead Development Management Panel.
Presented by: Lead Petitioner - Katherin Carter - Petition received Wednesday 20 June 2018
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Commissioning - Communities
Petition: We the undersigned would like a "20mph limit" on Frances Road, to include the installation of appropriate 20mph signs, and the installation of SIDs in both directions.
Update: 20mph speed limit scheme was implemented in April 2019.