Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Petitions submitted to the council between 2015 to date.
Presented by: Ms Claire Peters - E-petition submitted Monday 16 April 2018.
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to request the councils support in ensuring that no illegal development or habitation of green belt land on Gloucester Drive is permitted. Furthermore we seek support to prevent further fly tipping on this land and ask that the council liaise with the landowner to restore the visual aspect of the land to its former state.
Decision: The Lead Petitioner has confirmed that the request in the petition has been resolved as Reading and Courtney Buses will be taking over the First Bus No.2 route as from 21 Febraru 2018. The Lead Petitioner has asked to ensure the Head of Service is aware of the petition in case of any future issues.
Presented by: Mrs Karen Cubitt - E-petition submitted Friday 6 April 2018.
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to reject development on the green belt land known as Spencer's Farm.
Decision: The petition has been submitted to the Head of Planning to deal with as part of the statutory plan making process
Presented by: Jack Douglas, Maidenhead Community Centre - E-Petition submitted 29 March 2018
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson, Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to ensure that redevelopment plans for the York Road area include a replacement community centre.
Decision: A Motion was agreed at Full Council on Tuesday 24 April 2018:
Proposed by Councillor Dudley and seconded by Councillor Hill:
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That this Council agrees as part of the York Road redevelopment to re-establish the Maidenhead Community Centre in a new purpose-built building(or part of a building) so it can perform all its current activities.
Presented by: The Eton Wick Parish Churchyard Fund - submitted Wednesday 28 March 2018 at the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: A planning application, No. 18/00057, has been submitted to RBWM, to add a 25m by 30m extension to the graveyard. if this application is refused the Churchyard will be full by 2020 and there will be no new space for further burials or ash interments. We urge all interested villagers to formally support the application, which can be done by letter, RBWM website, RBWM email or contacting your parish or RBWM Councillor, further details at the library, or on bookmarks available throughout the village.
Decision: The application was considered at the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel on 28 March 2018 where the application was refused planning permission due to objections from the Environment Agency.
Presented by: Mrs Kelly Jefferiss - e-petition submitted Wednesday 24 January 2018.
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson - Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to stop Claires Court expansion and proposed development, Cannon Lane, Cox Green.
Decision: The petition was submitted to the Head of Planning as part of the planning process.
Presented by: Mrs Norma Wood - e-petition received Thursday 18 January 2018.
Lead Officer: Ben Smith - Head of Highways & Transport
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to provide replacement bus service No.2 from Dedworth after 20 January 2018.
Decision: The Lead Petitioner has confirmed that the request in the petition has been resolved as Reading and Courtney Buses will be taking over the First Bus no.2 route as from 21 February 2018. The Lead Petitioner has asked to ensure the Head of Service is aware of the petition in case of any future issues.
Presented by: Mr Andrew Cormie - e-petition received Monday 7 August 2017.
Lead Officer: Jenifer Jackson- Head of Planning
Petition: We the undersigned petition The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to stop the current Local Development Plan (Regulation 19) consultation and restart it only AFTER advising residents that they are invited to comment on any aspect of the plan.
The RBWM Head of Planning sent a letter dated 27 June 2017, Andrew Cormie, limiting comments on the Reg 19 Consultation. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has responded on 17th July 2017 to a request by Andrew Cormie, advising that there is no limitation at the second stage - (so-called Reg 19) as to what topics of the plan residents may comment upon. He points out that the Reg 19 stage is the first opportunity that anyone would have to request involvement in the hearing sessions for the Local Plan. I have asked Head of Planning to stop the consultation, restarting after giving proper advice, and received no response. In order to stop it I therefore call, through this petition, for the matter to be discussed at an RBWM Planning and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting, at which the Head of Planning must be questioned. Under the RBWM Constitution Rule C10.37, I wish that the Lead Member for Planning will also be questioned at the meeting.
Decision: The Planning & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel held on 15 August 2017 agreed (Councillors Kellaway, M.Airey, Hilton, Sharpe, Smith & Walters in favour and Councillor Beer against) that the Panel had considered that the process for Regulation 19 Publication and Regulation 20 representations had been clearly set out and was lawful. The extension of the Regulation 19 period to 27 September supported by updated information contained in the Statement of Representation Procedure and Statement of Fact together with other information on the Council website would be of assistance to residents who wished to respond.