
  • Considers all executive decisions, which are set out in the Council’s published Cabinet Forward Plan.
  • Key decisions made are subject to a call-in to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
  • Membership: Up to 10 Cabinet Members can be appointed by the Leader of the Council.
  • Number of meetings: One meeting at the end of each month, along with a private Cabinet Briefing held at the start of each month. Usually on Wednesdays.
  • Start time: The private pre-briefing begins at 6pm and the public meeting commences at 7pm. For Cabinet Briefings, the start time is 6pm.
  • Virtual or in person: It is currently held in-person at York House, with Council being held in Maidenhead, to allow for both meetings to be shared across both main areas of the borough.

Cabinet Transformation Sub Committee

  • Considers and steers the Council’s transformation programme, receiving updates and making decisions on direction when appropriate.
  • Membership: Six Cabinet Members.
  • Number of meetings: Four meetings a year held as and when required.
  • Start time: Starts at 7pm but no set day.
  • Virtual or in person: Typically held remotely but will meet in person whenever a decision is required. If meeting in person, location will depend on room availability so either Town Hall or York House.