Achieving for Children

AfC Ownership Board

  • Set the strategic direction and priorities of Achieving for Children (AfC) and review business performance and accounts.
  • In addition to this, there is an AfC Joint Committee which is affiliated but separate to the Ownership Board. This only convenes if there is a dispute between the councils.
  • Membership: Councillor members include Leader, relevant Cabinet Member and one other Councillor that may include an opposition member from RBWM, Kingston and Richmond-upon-Thames. Also includes AfC Board members and officers as well relevant Council officers.
  • Part II (confidential).
  • Number of meetings: Ideally once a year around March but held when convenient for attendees.
  • Start time: Ideally 10am though different time if more convenient for attendees.
  • Virtual or in person: Virtual by default, but in-person if option available (York House likely more convenient for Richmond and Kingston attendees)

AfC Joint Committee

  • Convened if there is a dispute between the Councils.
  • Part I (public).
  • Number of meetings: Ad hoc whenever there is a dispute between the Councils.
  • Start time: Ideally 10am though different time if more convenient for attendees.
  • Virtual or in person: Virtual by default, but in-person if option available (York House likely more convenient for Richmond and Kingston attendees).