Application ID: White Waltham FPC 501
Applicant Details:
Richard Farrant
Lane Farm
Cherry Garden Lane
Case Officer details:
Andrew Fletcher
tel: (01628) 796122
Date application received: 22 August 2008
Date set for determining application: 22 August 2009
Intended effect of the application: Claim to add a footpath running east from School Lane in White Waltham through a small copse then north to White Waltham Footpath 9.
Ordnance Survey Map Reference: 484058 179473 - 484485 179717
Addresses of properties on which route lies: Frogmore Farm, Littlewick Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3RX
Town: Littlewick Green
Parish: White Waltham
Date application determined: 22 June 2010
Decision of the surveying authority (The Council) upon determination:
To partly accept, and partly refuse the application.The part of the application that has been accepted is the path to and from the copse. The part of the application that has been refused are the paths through and around the copse on the grounds that there is insufficient evidence that a public footpath subsists or is reasonably alleged to subsist along this part of the application route.
Date order made: 30 July 2010
Status: Order confirmed by the Secretary of State following a Public Inquiry
Date order confirmed: 15 October 2012
Copies of the inspectors decision report and the original application documents are available below:
- White Waltham FP 25 - Secretary of State Decision
- White Waltham FPC 501 - Copy of formal application received
- White Waltham FPC 501 - Copy of application map received