Register of DMMO applications

The register contains details of all applications which have been made and not determined by the council before 31 December 2005.

Shottesbrooke FPC 501

Application ID: Shottesbrooke FPC 501

Applicant Details:
David Ramm
5 Rowan Drive

Case Officer details:
Anthony Hurst, Public Rights of Way Principal Officer
tel: (01628) 796180

Date application received: 31 May 2007

Date set for determining application: 31 May 2008

Intended effect of the application:
Claim to add a public footpath along 'Pundles Lane' from Shottesbrooke Footpath 12 to Waltham St. Lawrence Footpath 38

Geographical location details:

OS Map Ref:
484270 176650 - 484510 175830

Addresses of properties on which route lies:
Shottesbrooke Estate, White Waltham, Maidenhead, SL6 3SD



Date application determined: 20 February 2010
Decision of the surveying authority: The council consider that there is insufficient evidence that a public footpath subsists or is reasonably alleged to subsist along the application route.

Please note: This decision was appealed and the council was directed by the Secretary of State to make a Definitive Map Modification Order. This order was subject to objections and the Secretary of State considered the matter through written representations.

Status: Order not confirmed by the Secretary of State.

Copies of the inspector's decision and the original application documents are available below:

  • Shottesbrooke FPC 501 - Secretary of State Decision
  • Shottesbrooke FPC 501 - Original Decision Notice
  • Shottesbrooke FPC 501 - Copy of formal application received
  • Shottesbrooke FPC 501 - Copy of application map received