Register of DMMO applications

The register contains details of all applications which have been made and not determined by the council before 31 December 2005.

Cookham FPC 60

Application ID: Cookham FPC 60

Applicant Details:
Margaret Bowdery
East Berkshire Ramblers' Association
11 Laggan Road

Case Officer details:
Anthony Hurst, Principal Public Rights of Way Officer
tel: (01628) 796407

Intended effect of the application:
Claim to add the entire width of the towpath between bridge wall and river edge from the east end of Cookham Footpath 60 to the East side (downstream) of Cookham Bridge.

Date application received: 14 February 1994

Date set for determining application: None set

Geographical location details:

OS Map Ref: 489185 - 489185

Addresses of properties on which route lies:
Ferry Cottage, Sutton Road, Cookham, Maidenhead, SL6 9SN

Town: Cookham

Parish: Cookham

Date application determined: 5 December 2001   

Decision of the surveying authority (The Council) upon determination: To make an order to modify the definitive map.

Date order confirmed: 16 February 2007

Copies of the application documents, and subsequent confirmed modification order are available below:

  • Cookham FPC 60 - Confirmed Modification Order
  • Cookham FPC 60 - Copy of formal application form received
  • Cookham FPC 60 - Copy of map submitted with application