Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
List of all privacy notices for self build registration, public access registration, planning enforcement, application process, consultation for call for sites, CIL, Section 106, local land charges, property services.
Building Control & Planning and Building Control Support Services
RBWM Council
Town Hall
St Ives Road
We rely on General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(e) – processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Building Act 1984 (as amended); Building Regulations 2010 (as amended);Building Safety Act 2022; and Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971.
Personal data is supplied directly by service users either by post, telephone, by email, in person or electronically via the Council’s website, Submit a Plan or the Planning Portal.
As part of the Building Control process we collect names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses relating to applicants, agents and consultants in relation to an application and prospective service users.
Local authorities have a legal duty to make available certain limited details relating to Building Regulations applications (as a public register), and regulations also allow this information to be made available, on the Internet.
The data collected is recorded on our Building Control system (Uniform) and stored in the Council's email system.
Documents are held in the Council’s secure document Management System and limited documents in the public domain are available for public access via an online search function.
The data is required as part of the Building Control decision making process and may be disclosed to our consultant engineers for the purposes of assessing compliance under the Building Regulations.
Data is also used to provide information as requested by the service user.
The information is stored on the Council’s Building Control database (Uniform) and in the Council's email system which may be accessed by secure login by appropriate Council employees.
Contact details and any further information supplied are stored on the Council’s Uniform database and can be accessed by the Local Authority Building Control staff and Council services as below:
Your personal information will be processed in line with Data Protection legislation. It will not be disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes but may be lawfully shared with certain third parties (consultant structural engineers, electrical engineers and heat producing appliance engineers) for the purposes of assessing compliance under the Building Regulations.
The Council maintains an accurate record of all building control applications and associated documents which will permanently remain on the Council’s Building Control database (Uniform) system and limited documents are available to the public on the Council’s website.
We hold hard copies of some current building control applications. Some files are held in storage at the Town Hall but in general as work is completed the files are scanned and the paper files are confidentially destroyed.
Hard copies of some historic building control documents and decision notices are stored securely in a designated storage room at the Town Hall, Maidenhead or in external storage managed by a third party (Iron Mountain).
Applications received prior to the procurement of Uniform in 1997, are held on microfiche, CD or hard copy and are stored in the Town Hall or securely stored at Clyde House, Maidenhead.
These records are retained permanently.
Our service does not utilise automated decision making.