Community safety feedback form: Privacy notice

Who we are

Community Safety Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
Maidenhead SL6 1RF


Lawful basis for processing the information

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 GDPR:

e) Our legal bases for using your personal information are to exercise our tasks in the public interest.

This is provided for in the:

Anti-social behaviour, crime and policing Act (2014).

How we collect information

We will collect your information via a survey link on our RBWM together web page.

Information we collect

We are collecting residents view on feeling safe in the community. Personal data we are collecting is age group, ethnicity group and postcode.

How we use the information provided

It will help us form an evidence base for our service provision and community safety planning. For example, if certain ethnicity groups do not feel safe then it will let us know we need to further engage with that group to explore feelings of unsafety and make changes.

Who has access to the information about you

The Community Safety Team

Who we may share your information with

The data will not be shared with third parties or partner organisations.

The data will be used to inform reports and plans regarding community safety that will be shared with the wider public and partner agencies. The data will also be used to created anonymous statistics on safety within the borough. 

How long we store your information

The data will not be kept longer than necessary and for a maximum of three years. 

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No.