Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A Motion is a request made by a councillor for an issue to be discussed at a council meeting and for a decision to be made.
Proposer: Councillor A Tisi Seconder: Councillor Taylor.
Lead Officer: Lin Ferguson, Executive Director of Children's Services
Resolved: That This Council:
i) Agreed that care experience be considered as a protected characteristic in addition to any other relevant protected characteristic for an individual;
ii) the council and its partners should actively seek out and listen to the voices
of care-experienced people when developing new policies; and
iii) other bodies, including key council partners, be formally urged to consider
care experience as a protected characteristic until it is introduced by
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Larcombe Seconder: Councillor Coe.
Lead Officer: Councillor Coe, Cabinet Member for Household & Regulatory Services
i) that bearing in mind recent changes in the Government, it was agreed that Councillor Coe should amend and reissue the ‘River Thames Scheme Channel One’ letter.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Carpenter Seconder: Councillor Cross.
Lead Officer: Andrew Durrant, Executive Director of Place Services
Resolved: That this Council:
i) Notes recurrent water leaks throughout the Royal Borough, disrupting residents and businesses. Key issues include frequent leaks, repeated repairs, road closures, impact on major roads, vulnerable residents, and dissatisfaction.
This Council resolves to demand that the CEO of Thames Water and South East Water attends the next Place Overview and Scrutiny meeting to explain to our residents and their customers, why Thames Water and South East Water has failed the residents of the Royal Borough and what is going to be done.
Update: An invite has been extended to the relevant parties to attend the next meeting.
Proposer: Councillor Knowles Seconder: Councillor Werner
Lead Officer: n/a
Resolved: That this Council:
i) Support and lobby for a Public Inquiry into child abuse at the closed Green Fields Children's home and the circumstances that led to it being able to continue for so long without action by Berkshire County Council and other agencies.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor K. Davies Seconder: Councillor Wilson
Lead Officer: n/a
Resolved: That this Council will:
i) Join 369 other councils in supporting the Bill.
ii) Ask the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Biodiversity & Windsor Town Council to write to our Borough's MPs to thank Joshua Reynolds MP for supporting the Bill and to encourage Jack Rankin MP to support the Bill, and to ask both to attend the debate in January.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor J. Tisi Seconder: Councillor Coe
Lead Officer: n/a
Resolved: That this Council will:
i) Deplore the effects of the current First Past the Post electoral system, which fails to represent voter wishes and which has sometimes led to super-majorities for winning parties both at local government and national level, including the 2024 General Election, which was the most disproportionate in UK history, thus risking lack of proper scrutiny of decisions.
ii) Call for a proportional and preferential voting system to be used for UK General Elections and English local elections, noting that such electoral systems are already used to elect the Parliaments and - Assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
iii) Ask that the Leader of the Council write to H.M. Government calling for a change in our outdated electoral laws and to enable a proportional and preferential voting system to be used for UK general elections and for local elections in England.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Bermange Seconder: Councillor Knowles
Lead Officer: Oran Norris-Browne, Governance and Democratic Services Manager
i) That in reviewing the political balance, notes the current number of Councillors in each of the recognised Political Groups are as follows:
ii) Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, Mayor and four Political Group Leaders and as soon as is practicable, to agree and publish an amended allocation of seats on individual committees, panels and forums of the Council in accordance with the provisions set out in Sections 15 and 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, as supplemented by the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.
Update: Council agreed this.