Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A Motion is a request made by a councillor for an issue to be discussed at a council meeting and for a decision to be made.
Proposer: Councillor Hill Seconder: Councillor Bermange.
Lead Officer: Oran Norris-Browne, Principal Democratic Services Officer
Resolved: That This Council:
i) Agrees to reduce the number of signatures required for a petition to come to a meeting of Council from 1,500 to 1,000.
Update: This amendment was made to the Constitution on Wednesday 2 August 2023, following the agreement of Council.
Proposer: Councillor K. Davies Seconder: Councillor Carpenter.
Lead Officer: Elaine Browne, Deputy Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer
Resolved: That This Council:
i) Agrees to the undertaking of a Community Governance Review examining the issue of whether a new Town Council for Windsor should be formed.
Update: At the Council meeting on Wednesday 25 September, a response was supplied to a question asked by Coucillor Price, which can be found on website.
Proposer: Councillor Taylor Seconder: Councillor Jones.
Lead Officer: n/a
Resolved: That Members of this Council:
i) Agree to make a conscious effort to increase our sharing and promotion of local businesses and services, to encourage our residents to try new local services and venues, as well as attend local events.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Price Seconder: Councillor Werner.
Lead Officer: Elaine Browne, Deputy Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer
Resolved: That This Council:
i) Agrees that from this date onwards, all Cabinet and Full Council meetings that have to move into Part II, have abbreviated minutes published after the meeting attached to the Part I minutes to reflect the decision made subsequent to voting. This will not reveal the detail or report at this stage.
ii) That a full explanation of the conditions that cause the information or report to be placed in Part II is made at that time.
iii) If and when those conditions no longer apply – and at the discretion of the Monitoring Officer - the Part II reports or information is then published in the minutes of the original meeting and a note made during the next Council or Cabinet meeting following this publication.
iv) That these same rules are applied to historic Part II meetings, and that a periodic review takes place – subject to officer capacity and resource availability. The decision of the Monitoring Officer – in consultation with the Chief Executive - will be final in terms of any historical reports being released in this way.
v) That this rule does not override GDPR, commercial or personal confidentially and any other legal consideration that would prevent release at any time.
Update: Submitted to the Deputy Director.
Proposer: Councillor Carpenter Seconder: Councillor Price.
Lead Officer: Elaine Browne, Deputy Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer
Resolved: That this Council:
i) recognises the wishes of the Windsor Town Forum’s current membership to be known as ‘Windsor Forum’
Update: Council agreed this and it was submitted to Democratic Services and the Monitoring Officer to make the necessary constitutional changes.
Proposer: Councillor K. Davies Seconder: Councillor Reynolds.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce, Assistant Director of Infrastructure, Sustainability & Economic Growth and Councillor Werner, Leader of the Council
Resolved: That this Council:
i) asks the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister to express concerns at how the national delay on carbon emissions will impact on the ability of local authorities to reach net zero carbon, and ask for an urgent renewed commitment to funding the improvements to electricity infrastructure necessary to enable residents, businesses and local authorities to make the necessary transitions to reach net zero.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Jones Seconder: Councillor Werner.
Lead Officer: n/a
Resolved: That this Council:
i) supports the actions being taken by the Cabinet and Senior Leadership Team to reduce the financial deficit facing the Council and agrees all councillors need to take responsibility for ensuring this Council does all it can to achieve financial sustainability.
Update: Council agreed this.
Proposer: Councillor Larcombe Seconder: Councillor Werner.
Lead Officers: Ben Crampin, Principal Flood Risk Manager & James Thorpe, Service Lead for Sustainability & Climate
Resolved: That this Council:
i) takes immediate action to ensure that the probability of flooding is minimised by ensuring that land drainage infrastructure is maintained in a condition fit-for-purpose.
Update: Submitted to the Flood Team.
Proposer: Councillor Wilson Seconder: Councillor J Tisi.
Lead Officers: Ben Crampin, Principal Flood Risk Manager & James Thorpe, Service Lead for Sustainability & Climate
Resolved: That this Council: calls upon the Leader of the Council to write to Thames Water, the Environment Agency and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, to request:
1. In the short term, call on Thames Water to undertake a maintenance plan for the Roundmoor and Boveney Ditches to ensure adequate flow of effluent to the Thames this year.
2. Subsequently, that Thames Water and the Environment Agency implement an infrastructure improvement plan to ensure that sewage is not released into the streams, but contained within the Treatment Works and that the streams can be accessed all year round for necessary maintenance. That this includes ‘The Cut’ in Bracknell where water polluted with sewage runs into RBWM at Cox Green, Ockwells Park, and Bray.
3. That DEFRA and the Environment Agency review the permits issued to Thames Water and tighten them so that Thames Water are prohibited to release anything other than fully treated water into natural waterways.
Update: The motion was agreed by Council.