Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A Motion is a request made by a councillor for an issue to be discussed at a council meeting and for a decision to be made.
Proposer: Councillor Dudley. Seconder: Councillor McWilliams.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
i) Is concerned that The Pubs Code Adjudicator is failing to tackle the financial unbalance suffered by tied tenants in it borough and around the country.
ii) Notes that the case of The Barley Mow demonstrates clearly that, in its current format, the secondary legislation is not fit for purpose, as it is clearly unable to offer tied tenants a simple easy path to severing their tied terms, as was the intention of Parliament.
iii) Requests the Leader of the Council to write to Richard Harrington MP, urging him to take this issue to the Secretary of State, Greg Clark MP, copied to Teresa May MP, so he can take the necessary steps to make the legislation work, as a matter of urgency.
Update: A letter drafted was sent to Richard Harrington MP on Wednesday 25 April 2018.
Proposer: Councillor Dudley. Seconder: Councillor Hill
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council agrees as part of the York Road Redevelopment to re-establish the Maidenhead Community Centre in a new purpose-built building (or part of a building) so it can perform all its current activities.
Proposer: Councillor Carroll. Seconder: Councillor N. Airey.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
i) Continues to robustly adopt a zero tolerance approach to any form of domestic violence and abuse, and strongly reaffirms our steadfast commitment to tackle domestic violence and abuse through our public health strategy, joint health and wellbeing strategy, and awareness campaigns;
ii) Encourages anybody from any background who is suffering from the impact of domestic violence and abuse to come forward and get the help and support they need from the police, the council, health services or key partner organisations such as DASH, Victim Support or the 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline;
iii) Resolves to promote awareness across the Borough to ensure residents understand what constitutes domestic violence and abuse and who they can go to locally to access support.
Update: The commissioned IDVA and Outreach Service with the DASH Charity was launched in April 2018. In 2018/19 the Council launched a promotional video for residents via twitter and a series of educational seminars for council staff, schools safeguarding network and partner agencies took place. The DASH Charity have continued the awareness campaign throughout the year through events in the community and promotional activities. In 2018/19 the IDVA and Outreach Service has supported over 145 residents and 80 children in the borough that have been subject to domestic violence achieving a reduction in risk of violence and increasing their confidence in accessing further support services.
Proposer: Councillor Beer. Seconder: Councillor Bicknell.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
i) Notes that the government has proposed that it confirms its provisional approval of a third Heathrow runway in the coming months.
ii) Agrees urgent Borough publicity to empower residents to inform MPs and Ministers of their objections to the inevitable and irreversible impacts on the housing crisis, infrastructure and quality of life.
Update: A number of media campaigns were carried out through social media, the national press and the council's website to empower residents to inform MPs and Ministers of their objections.
Proposer: Councillor N Airey. Seconder: Councillor Saunders.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
i) Notes the Plan International report ‘The State of Girls’ rights in the UK’ and the increasing coverage of issues where women experience a different climate to men.
ii) Notes its leadership role and establishes a new ‘Girls’ Policy Forum’, operated by our youth services, so that the voices of young women and girls play an active role in shaping life in the Royal Borough.
iii) Asks the Leader to write to the schools and youth groups in the Borough to make them aware of the Forum and appoint representatives, and to commit to taking the views of the Forum into consideration when making decisions.
Update: A letter was sent out to all headteachers on 28 March 2018 which set out the aims of the Girls Policy Forum and inviting headteachers to send female representatives to the first meeting of the Girls Policy Forum which is due to take place on 10 May 2019. The aims of the Girls’ Policy Forum is to feed into policy making before and during the process rather than after decisions have been made so the Council is proactively listening to girls who may have previously not had their voices heard.
Proposer: Councillor Kellaway. Seconder: Councillor Werner.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council calls on Great Western Railways to include and commit to a regular half hourly service through the day on the Marlow line. This line links Marlow, Bourne End, Cookham and Furze Platt to Maidenhead station and the Elizabeth Line which opens in 2019. We applaud this new connection and the electrification of the mainline but for maximum benefit to our residents a half hourly service is vital.
Update: After writing to the Department for Transport, Councillor Dudley received a letter on Monday 19 March 2018, from the Minister of state and Minister for London, Jo Johnson MP.
Proposer: Councillor McWilliams. Seconder: Councillor Dudley
Resolved Unanimously: That this council notes the Help to Buy London programme with an up to 40% government house purchase loan compared with the national English scheme of up to 20%. Given the unaffordability of property to Royal Borough first time buyers, and our average house prices being greater than the majority of London boroughs, this council asks the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Chancellor and Prime Minister to please address this basic unfairness through extension of the 40% scheme to areas like the Royal Borough.
Update: A letter was sent to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Chancellor and Prime Minister on Friday 30 June 2017.