Council Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021
Proposer: Councillor Bond. Seconder: Councillor C Da Costa.
Lead Officer: Duncan Sharkey - RBWM Chief Executive
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
- Notes approvingly that in putting the Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) on a statutory footing and encouraging cooperation rather than competition, it is essentially an evolutionary change rather than a top down reorganisation of the NHS.
- Considers that the following should be part of the development and implementation of the proposals:
i. The ICSs should encompass a range of stakeholders including doctors (GPs) to continuing to give them a voice, and local authorities to reflect peoples’ ‘place-based’ experience of health and care services.
ii. Besides continuing to improve collaboration across health and social care, that decision-making bodies recognise the importance of effective prevention & public health, addressing the social determinants of health and wellbeing, and of mental health services.
- Looks forward to the government’s proposals on the funding of social care.
Update: The motion was used to support the successful case to retain the Frimley ICS on its existing boundaries. The makeup of the ICS Board and ICS Partnership is being developed in full consultation with all partners and will encompass a range of stakeholders, including GPs, voluntary and community sector and local authority representatives. The new arrangements for the Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be effective from Friday 1 July 2022. Duncan Sharkey, Chief Executive RBWM has been appointed to this Board. The arrangements for the wider Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) will be finalised over Autumn 2022. The chair of the Health and Wellbeing Boards will be invited to serve on the ICP alongside other local representatives. Place based partnerships are also being developed to align with the ICS developments. Prevention and public health remain key priorities for the ICB, council and its partners and are at the heart of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy/Place Strategic Framework.
Council Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021
Proposer: Councillor Johnson. Seconder: Councillor Rayner.
Lead Officer: Karen Shepherd - Head of Governance.
Resolved: That this Council:
This Council believes that all Members should, under Regulation 13 of the (LA Members Allowances) Regs 2003 and as detailed in the RBWM Members’ Allowances Scheme, give notice in writing to the Head of Governance that they wish to forgo the indexation applied in 21/22 in relation to the Basic Allowance and any Special Responsibility Allowances they receive.
Update: Members who notify the Head of Governance of their intention to forgo the indexation will have their allowance payments for 2021/22 amended by payroll.
Council Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021
Proposer: Councillor Rayner. Seconder: Councillor Johnson.
Lead Officer: Karen Shepherd - Head of Governance.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
- Agrees to amend the date of Annual Council from Tuesday 25 May 2021 to Tuesday 4 May 2021; and as a result:
- Agrees an Extraordinary meeting of Full Council be held on 29 June 2021 to consider the Development Management Review.
- Agrees that for the municipal year 21/22 only, the requirement in the constitution for each Overview and Scrutiny Panel to meet within 30 days of Annual Council be waived (noting all O&S Panels already have a meeting scheduled in June 2021).
Update: Annual Council took place on Tuesday 4 May 2021 and the Extraordinary Council meeting took place on Tuesday 29 June 2021.
Council Meeting Tuesday 27 October 2020
Proposer: Councillor McWilliams. Seconder: Councillor W. Da Costa.
Lead Officers: Karen Shepherd - Head of Governance, Emma Duncan - Monitoring Officer, Nikki Craig - Head of HR, Corporate Projects and IT, Kevin McDaniel - Executive Director of People Services and Ellen McManus-Fry - Equalities Officer.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
- Collect high-quality diversity data including conducting annual workplace surveys to analyse progress being made against Equality Objectives (2018 - 2022), including how well the organisation and Members reflect the demographic makeup of RBWM and the UK, and to identify steps to improve any disparity; findings will be reviewed and scrutinised at Corporate O&S and by members of the public.
- Introduce mandatory training such as unconscious bias training for councillors and officers, and encourage teaching and learning about Britain’s colonial past and slavery; the Members' Code of Conduct will be amended to include a requirement to complete an annual training session.
- Write to the Secretary of State for Education asking for a more ambitious national educational standard on issues of race and gender equality, and inviting him to attend an RBWM-hosted Gender and Race Equality Conference, where residents and employers can talk and share ideas on the importance of having high-quality diversity data; creating an organisation open to all; identifying the challenges and celebrating the achievements of people of colour in RBWM.
Update: Various actions being undertaken by Head of Governance, Monitoring Officer, Head of HR, Corporate Projects and IT, Executive Director of People Services, and Equalities Officer.
- For item 1: This went to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny panel on Wednesday 23 June 2021.
- For item 2: The Code of Conduct was amended.
- For item 3: As a result of the pandemic, there has been no group-level education data since 2019. The data is expected to return in 2023 which will enable us to frame this action with something tangible. It is expected that the planning and letter will be sent in late 2023. In the meanwhile, school leaders continue to focus on inclusion and diversity within their schools to support the current cohort of pupils.
Council Meeting Tuesday 28 July 2020
Proposer: Councillor Werner. Seconder: Councillor Johnson.
Lead Officer: Kevin McDaniel - Executive Director of People Services
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
- Offers a vote of thanks to the residents of the Royal Borough, the vast majority of whom, whilst facing very difficult personal sacrifices and restrictions to liberty, have diligently followed both letter and the spirit of the emergency legislation brought in to protect public health during the Covid-19 global pandemic;
- Acknowledges the extraordinary courage and commitment to community shown by many thousands of residents, individually, through neighbourhood groups and with our charitable partner organisations, throughout this terrible time;
- Also publicly recognises the skill, dedication, professionalism, and tenacity with which our officers, partners including Optalis and Achieving for Children, those across the wider health and social care sector, teachers, and other public bodies, including the police, army and various response units, have co-ordinated these efforts for the benefit of all of our residents, businesses and visitors alike.
Council Meeting Tuesday 28 July 2020
Proposer: Councillor Taylor. Seconder: Councillor Stimson.
Lead Officer: Steph James - Service Lead for Economic Growth
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council:
- Recognises the need to promote local businesses and think of inventive ways to help them as well as bringing much needed footfall into our Town Centres.
- Agrees the possibility of a new Artisan Street Market will be pursued, with the view to holding quarterly if successful. This will include local businesses from around the borough.
Update: Stephanie James, Former Maidenhead Town Manager, met with Councillor Taylor to discuss the motion and agreed to meet on Sunday 4 October 2020 to try and get the first event underway. Space for stalls with social distancing had been scoped. In 2019 and 2020 Shop Local, Support Local campaigns were run via social media channels and an A-Z of Indie businesses was put together to promote the independent business sector. In 2019 an online Christmas brochure was produced which highlighted ways to support local businesses and in 2020 a physical and an online brochure were also produced. Due to the pandemic a virtual Artisan Street Market was held, with local businesses and crafters invited to have stalls.