Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
A Motion is a request made by a councillor for an issue to be discussed at a council meeting and for a decision to be made.
Proposer: Councillor Stimson Seconder: Councillor Sharpe.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council, in acknowledging the work that is being done across the borough by the council and residents alike to mitigate against climate change and encourage sustainability, and to increase the participation of businesses, civic society and residents alike, agrees to hold a Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead COP26 online Summit during the UN COP event in Glasgow. This will highlight the work that has been done and is currently ongoing within the borough in the areas of climate change and sustainability.
Proposer: Councillor Davies Seconder: Councillor Reynolds.
Lead Officer: Obi Oranu - Environmental Health Service Manager
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council agrees to review the Borough’s Air Quality Improvement Action Plan in the light of the updated WHO Guidelines.
Update: As of February 2024, further air-quality sensors have been installed in the Royal Borough in response to a petition by residents. The sensors monitor the levels of particulate matter in a set area and will help to enhance the existing nitrogen dioxide monitoring network.
The five sites where the additional sensors have been installed are:
Further information can be found on the borough's website
Proposer: Councillor McWilliams Seconder: Councillor Carroll.
Lead Officer: Andrew Durrant - Executive Director of Place Services
Resolved Unanimously: That this Council resolves to:
i) Work with existing gymnastic providers to understand the facilities that are required to meet demand, including how existing facilities can be best used and accessible to all.
ii) Identify opportunities to work with third parties to finance, build and manage a new, purpose-built gymnastics facility
iii) Welcome a commitment in RBWM's forthcoming Sport and Leisure Strategy to support the delivery of a new, purpose-built gymnastics facility in partnership with a third party.
Update: As of January 2023, Officers have been working with key partners and in turn our local gymnastics clubs and organisations to refresh the council’s overarching sport and leisure strategy. This includes the Built Facilities Strategy (BFS) that looks specifically at indoor facility provision across the borough against demand and in turn identifies areas of strength and development that will include gymnastics.
The Council have also engaged with the National Governing Body to consider future opportunities to enhance existing facility stock and associated funding via British Gymnastics and/or Sport England.
The existing leisure contract is also being re-procured and this will be completed by May 2024. The re-procurement of our leisure contract includes the opportunity for leisure operators to consider how they would enhance existing facilities in areas such as gymnastics and how this would support future club development.
Proposer: Councillor Cannon Seconder: Councillor Haseler.
Lead Officer: Chris Joyce - Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic Growth.
Resolved: That this Council:
i) Requests that Cabinet write to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and
Thames Valley Police (TVP) seeking support in creating a joint RBWM campaign highlighting the issue of Drink/Drug Driving, supporting our zero tolerance environment, to enhance road safety for our residents.
ii) Requests Cabinet to invite TVP and the PCC to work with us in holding a Roads Safety Summit on these and other RBWM Road Safety issues.