Consultation closed
Thank you to everybody who took the time to feed back.
What were we consulting on?
Following the submission of a resident’s petition and as part of a commitment to improving road safety and promoting walking and cycling, the borough consulted on a proposal to replace the current zebra crossing point in St Leonards Road, Windsor, near the junction with Bolton Road, with pedestrian controlled traffic lights.
The proposed scheme would increase the safety of children attending the local schools, as well as residents accessing local facilities, and enable them to cross the road in a safe manner. The scheme will help in creating a more cycle and pedestrian friendly environment to encourage and facilitate more journeys on foot and by bicycle.
What was the outcome?
The consultation showed that more people were in favour of the planned improvements than not, and the most common comment was that these improvements will increase safety for school children, also for regular pedestrians and it will improve the traffic flow on St Leonards Road during school start/end times.
As a result of this consultation:
- We will replace the current zebra crossing with a set of pedestrian controlled traffic lights.
- As this is a residential area the light will be shielded to avoid any pollution into people homes and the beeping sound removed.