Bray village weight limit consultation
Background and proposal
Concerns have been raised by a number of residents, to local councillors, regarding the number of large goods vehicles travelling through Bray village and the perceived risk to cyclists, pedestrians, and children.
In order to ensure that residents and visitors feel safe to walk, and cycle, through the village, the council proposes to implement a 7.5 tonne weight limit along roads in Bray. The limit will be signed from the Hibbert Road end and will complement the existing 7.5t weight limit over the narrow bridge at the Upper Bray Road end of the village.
The implementation of this restriction will encourage walking and cycling through the village, along what are narrow roads with houses built close to the roadside. It will also ensure that the many old houses within the village are protected from the effects of large vehicles passing close by.
There will still be a need for some larger vehicles to access the village, to facilitate deliveries to houses and business premises, within the village.
Have your say
View the proposals and have your say on the Bray village weight limit RBWM Together consultation webpage.
The survey is open until 10 November 2024.
Responses can also be submitted by post to: Traffic Team, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF
Following the consultation period, all responses will be considered before a decision is made on the next steps, although individual replies will not be provided.