Proposed changes to BLP submission version

The purpose of this public consultation was to allow an opportunity for anyone interested to make representations on the Proposed Changes which are set out in the 'Borough Local Plan (2013 - 2033) Submission Version Incorporating Proposed Changes, October 2019'.

Proposed BLP : Consultation documents

Reference Document Name Date Published
BLPSV-PC-001 Air Quality - Preliminary Assessment Letter 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-002 Authority Monitoring Report 2018 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-003 Borough Local Plan (2013-2033) Submission Version Incorporating Proposed Changes, October 2019 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-004 BLPSV-PC Main Proposed Changes Table 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-005 BLPSV-PC Minor Proposed Changes Table 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-006 Borough Wide Design Guide (Draft) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-007 Consultation Explanation Statement 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-008 Employment Topic Paper (Oct 19) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-009 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) Supplementary Screening 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-010 Green and Blue Infrastructure Study (2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-011 HELAA 2019 (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) Main Report and Appendix A 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-012 HELAA 2019 Appendix B - Parish Maps 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-013 HELAA 2019 Appendix C 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-014 HELAA 2019 Appendix D 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-015 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Update (Draft ) Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-016 Housing Topic Paper Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-017 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-018 Local Development Scheme (LDS) Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-019 Open Space Study (2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-020 Placemaking Study - Ascot Centre Placemaking Topic Paper 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-021 Placemaking Study - Maidenhead Town Centre (2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-022 Placemaking Study - South West Maidenhead (Oct 19) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-023 Policy Map 1 - Maidenhead and Cookham 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-024 Policy Map 2 - Holyport and the Walthams 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-025 Policy Map 3 - Windsor, Old Windsor and Datchet 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-026 Policy Map 4 - Ascot, Sunningdale and Sunninghill 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-027 Policy Map legend 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-028 Representations Form (BLPSV-PC Oct 2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-029 Retail and Town Centre Study Update Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-030 Sequential and Exception test + Appendices 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-030a Errata sheet for the Sequential & Exception Test with reference to site allocation AL14 23/07/2021
BLPSV-PC-031 Statement of Representations Procedure and Statement of Fact 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-032 Strategic Highway Model Report Appendices A to H 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-033 Strategic Highway Model Report 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-034 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Berkshire (including South Bucks) (2016) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-035 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Vol 1 of 3 Non-Technical Summary Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-036 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Vol 2 of 3 Main Report Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-037 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Vol 3 of 3 Appendices Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-038 Tall Building Strategy Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-039 Tall Buildings Technical and Baseline Study Oct 19 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-040 Viability Update Note (2019) 01/11/2019
BLPSV-PC-041 Water Quality Impact Assessment (2019) 01/11/2019