Proposed changes to BLP submission version

The purpose of this public consultation was to allow an opportunity for anyone interested to make representations on the Proposed Changes which are set out in the 'Borough Local Plan (2013 - 2033) Submission Version Incorporating Proposed Changes, October 2019'.

Consultation Details

The Council consulted on the Proposed Changes to the Borough Local Plan (2013 - 2033) Submission Version from Friday 1 November 2019 until midnight on Sunday 15 December 2019. This consultation is now closed.

View the representations the council received in response to the 2019 Proposed Changes to the BLP Submission Version Consultation.

The purpose of this public consultation was to allow an opportunity for anyone interested to make representations on the Proposed Changes which are set out in the 'Borough Local Plan (2013 - 2033) Submission Version Incorporating Proposed Changes, October 2019'.

View the full suite of public consultation documents using the links under 'Document Name'. In addition to the 'Borough Local Plan (2013 - 2033) Submission Version Incorporating Proposed Changes,  October 2019', the consultation documents include the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Update and draft Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Update, upon which representations may also be made. The consultation documents are supplemented by various supporting documents, the evidence base justifying the Proposed Changes and further explanatory material. See our consultation portal.

For further information, please contact us:

Planning Policy Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom