Council's documents

Examination documents prepared by the council are as follows:

Reference Document Date published
RBWM_044v2 A note to the Inspector on Implications of New Flood Modelling and Mapping 19/07/2021
RBWM_073b Update note to Inspector on stepped housing requirement  19/07/2021
RBWM_058a Response to Inspector’s Post Hearing Advice Letter (ID-33) in relation to Custom and Self-Build Housing 19/07/2021
RBWM_088 Council’s response to comments made on RBWM_044 09/07/2021
RBWM_088a Appendix - Detailed response to the Environment Agency’s technical note on document RBWM_044 09/07/2021
RBWM_087 Post-hearing action note - WK4-07 Note on petitions process regarding AL13 09/07/2021
RBWM_086 Post-hearing action note - WK4-05 Note re Exception Test for AL9 and AL25 allocations 09/07/2021
RBWM_085 Post-hearing action note - WK4-04 Note re deliverability of residential development on AL3 09/07/2021
RBWM_084 Post-hearing action note - WK3-03 Note on de-allocated sites for retention in employment use 09/07/2021
RBWM_083 Post-hearing action note - WK3-02 Note regarding the Mixed Use Allocations required to provide Employment land 09/07/2021
RBWM_082 Post-hearing action note - WK2-08 Note on retail site allocation requirements 09/07/2021
RBWM_081 Post-hearing action note - WK1-18 Site Allocation Proformas: prescription vs flexibility and site-specific issues/errors 09/07/2021
RBWM_080 Post-hearing action note - WK1-17 Note on whether the proformas draw from IDP across all priority levels 09/07/2021
RBWM_079 Post-hearing action note - WK1-14 Note on Windsor Link Railway 09/07/2021
RBWM_079a Post-hearing action note - WK1-14 Appendix (WLR Proforma) 09/07/2021
RBWM_045v2 Post-hearing action note - WK1-13 Note on inconsistencies in Ascot terminology 09/07/2021
RBWM_078 Post-hearing action note - WK1-12 Note re housing mix 09/07/2021
RBWM_077 Post-hearing action note - WK1-09 Note on Monitoring Indicators in relation to Biodiversity 09/07/2021
RBWM_076 Post-hearing action note - WK1-02 Note on co-operation with Bracknell Forest/Wycombe re cross-boundary transport issues 09/07/2021
RBWM_073a Response to Inspector's request for clarification re: WK5-01 10/06/2021
RBWM_061a Post-hearing action note - WK3-22 Addendum Note re QP5 Rural Development policy 10/06/2021
RBWM_075 Post-hearing action note - AL38 flood note - cover note 26/03/2021
RBWM_074 Post-hearing action note - BLP Note to Inspector re- MGC Land 26/03/2021
RBWM_073 Post-hearing action note - WK5-01 Note re Stepped Housing Trajectory with Appendices 26/03/2021
RBWM_072 Post-hearing action note - WK4-30 Agricultural requirements in proforma 26/03/2021
RBWM_071 Post-hearing action note - WK4-29 Note to clarify source of traffic delay information in MIQ response 26/03/2021
RBWM_070 Post-hearing action note - WK4-28 Note to Inspector on Cookham site specifics transport proformas 26/03/2021
RBWM_069 Post-hearing action note - WK4-27 Note to Inspector on HA50 Grove Park 26/03/2021
RBWM_068 Post-hearing action note - WK4-19 Note re AL20 Heatherwood Hospital 26/03/2021
RBWM_067 Post-hearing action note - WK4-16 Note on AL19 - heritage status 26/03/2021
RBWM_066 Post-hearing action note - WK4-10 Note on St Marks hospital 26/03/2021
RBWM_065 Post-hearing action note - WK4-09 Note on AL15 and sequential test 26/03/2021
RBWM_064 Post-hearing action note - WK4-01 Appendix UPDATED RBWM IDP Revision 2019 IDP Schedule with funding and status updates Feb 2021 26/03/2021
RBWM_063 Post-hearing action note - WK4-01 Note on clarity for IDP funding 26/03/2021
RBWM_062 Post-hearing action note - WK3-23 Matter 11 Note on Grade 3a agricultural land 26/03/2021
RBWM_061 Post-hearing action note - WK3-22 QP5 Rural Development policy 26/03/2021
RBWM_060 Post-hearing action note - WK2-07 Changes to UCO and new Class E 26/03/2021
RBWM_059 Post-hearing action note - WK2-05 Note on Policy HO3 affordable housing requirements 26/03/2021
RBWM_058 Post-hearing action note - WK2-03 Note on identifying self and custom build sites in the submitted plan 26/03/2021
RBWM_057 Post-hearing action note - WK2-02 Note on Policy HO2 M4(2) and M4(3) standards 26/03/2021
RBWM_056 Technical note re safe access to land east of Strande Park (AL38) in the event of a flood 22/01/2021
RBWM_055 Letter to the Inspector requesting recommendation of major modifications 17/12/2020
RBWM_054 Note to the Inspector on the River Thames Scheme 14/12/2020
RBWM_053A Document requested by the Inspector- AL32 - Sandridge House - Committee Report dated 4.12.19 for application 19/01701/FULL 07/12/2020
RBWM_053B Document requested by the Inspector- AL32 - Sandridge House - Historic England Decision Summary (for listing) 07/12/2020
RBWM_053C Document requested by the Inspector- AL32 - Sandridge House - Pre-application request letter from Savills dated 30.6.17 07/12/2020
RBWM_053D Document requested by the Inspector- AL32 - Sandridge House - Pre-application response from RBWM (undated) 07/12/2020
RBWM_052 Decision notice from planning application 19/01755/FULL requested by the Inspector on Squires Garden Centre, Maidenhead Road, Windsor 02/12/2020
RBWM_051 Officer report from planning application 19/01755/FULL requested by the Inspector on Squires Garden Centre, Maidenhead Road, Windsor 02/12/2020
RBWM_050 Planning committee report requested by the Inspector on Aldi application for Windsor Garden Centre, Dedworth Road, Windsor 02/12/2020
RBWM_049 Note to the Inspector on housing trajectory and supporting information for the 9 December hearing session 30/11/2020
RBWM_048 Map requested by the Inspector of Poundfield and the narrow stretch of The Pound 30/11/2020
RBWM_047 Map requested by the Inspector re the Aldi planning application (20/01145) near AL21 - site application boundary 17/11/2020
RBWM_046 Map requested by the Inspector re the Aldi planning application (20/01145) near AL21 - proposed site plan 17/11/2020
RBWM_045 Note to the Inspector on inconsistencies in Ascot terminology 17/11/2020
RBWM_044 Note to the Inspector on implications of new flood modelling and mapping 17/11/2020
RBWM_043 Map requested by the Inspector of AL21 in relation to the Cardinal Clinic and The Old Farmhouse 16/11/2020
RBWM_042 Map requested by the Inspector of AL40 in relation to Mildridge Farm and surrounding woodland 16/11/2020
RBWM_041 RBWM's Housing Return (HFR) 2019-20 12/11/2020
RBWM_040 Note to Inspector - Infrastructure Delivery Plan 291020 12/11/2020
RBWM_040 - Appendix 1 Note to Inspector - Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Appendix 1 - IDP Schedule 291020 12/11/2020
RBWM_039 Map requested by the Inspector for Matter 5 - Windsor Town Centre boundary in relation to car parks 09/11/2020
RBWM_038 Map requested by the Inspector for Matter 5 - Maidenhead Town Centre boundary in relation to AL8 09/11/2020
RBWM_037 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 11 - Placemaking and Site Allocations_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_036 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 10 - Infrastructure_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_035 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 9 - Environmental Protection_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_034 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 8 - Natural Resources_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_033 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 7 - Historic Environment_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_032 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 6 - Quality of Place_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_031 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 5 - Town Centres, Retail and Tourism_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_030 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 4 - Economy_Employment_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_029 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 3 - Housing_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_028 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 2 - Spatial Portrait, Vision, Objectives and Spatial Strategy_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_027 RBWM Stage 2 Response to Matter 1 - Legal Compliance and Procedural Issues_FINAL 03/09/2020
RBWM_026 Council’s response to the Inspector’s letter on the 2018 Household Projection 10/09/2020
RBWM_025 Update Letter to Inspector - July 2019 26/07/2019
RBWM_024 Update Letter to Inspector - May 2019 31/05/2019
RBWM_023 Update Letter to Inspector - April 2019 01/05/2019
RBWM_022 Council's Further Legal Submissions in Response to ID/09 V2 10/12/2018
RBWM_021 Council's Further Response to ID/09 V2 and Legal Submissions 10/12/2018
RBWM_020 Council's Response to ID/09 V2 04/12/2018
RBWM_019 Council's Flooding Statement 26/10/2018
RBWM_018v2 Council's Full Response to ID/07 26/10/2018
RBWM_018v1 Council's Emerging Core Response to ID/07 25/09/2018
RBWM_017 Legal Submissions in Response to ID/07 29/08/2018
RBWM_016 Letter to Inspector re date for full response to ID07 20/08/2018
RBWM_015 Statement of Common Ground between RBWM and Thames Water - 280618 05/07/2018
RBWM_014 Thames Water Response to Issues raised by the Inspector - 270618 28/06/2018
RBWM_013 Statement of Common Ground with Natural England - May 2018 28/06/2018
RBWM_012 Statement of Common Ground - Surrey Heath, Runnymede, Surrey CC and Royal Borough - 230118 28/06/2018
RBWM_011 RBWM Response to Bracknell Forest Regulation 18 consultation - 280318 28/06/2018
RBWM_010 Note to Inspector re Traveller Need 270618 27/06/2018
RBWM_009 Note to Inspector re Local Green Space 270618 27/06/2018
RBWM_008 Note to Inspector re Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)_260618 26/06/2018
RBWM_007 Matter 5 Statement 01/06/2018
RBWM_006 Matter 4 Statement 01/06/2018
RBWM_005 Matter 3 Statement 01/06/2018
RBWM_004 Matter 2 Statement 01/06/2018
RBWM_003 Matter 1 Statement 01/06/2018
RBWM_002 Council response to ID-02 18/05/2018
RBWM_002 - Appendix 1 Statement of Common Ground with Natural England on Air Quality Matters 18/05/2018
RBWM_002 - Appendix 2 Potential development sites for sequential test 18/05/2018
RBWM_001 Council response to ID-01 24/04/2018
RBWM_001 - Appendix 1 Chronology of HMA & SHMA development and South Bucks involvement 24/04/2018
RBWM_001 - Appendix 2 DtC: SHMA Methodology – Memorandum of understanding between the Berkshire local authorities 24/04/2018
RBWM_001 - Appendix 3 Constraints Map 24/04/2018
RBWM_001 - Appendix 4 Joint Working Fund Expression of Interest: Wider Area Growth Study 24/04/2018