Examination of the local plan

A Report was taken to an Extraordinary Full Council on Tuesday 8 February 2022 where the recommendation to adopt the Borough Local Plan was agreed.

The Borough Local Plan 2013 -2033: Submission version (BLPSV) was submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for independent examination on Wednesday 31 January 2018.

The Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to examine the BLPSV is Louise Phillips MA MSc MRTPI.

Please see below the latest news on the progress of the examination since the submission of the plan:

The Council has now received the Inspector’s Report on the Borough Local Plan and the Examination is now closed.  The Inspector’s Report concludes that the Plan is sound, subject to Main Modifications.  It can be viewed at:

Further information on how to view the Inspector’s Report is given in:

The stage 2 hearing sessions will run for four weeks (Monday - Friday):

  • 5 October to 9 October 2020 (week 1)
  • 19 October to 23 October 2020 (week 2)
  • 9 November to 13 November 2020 (week 3) and
  • 16 November to 20 November 2020 (week 4/reserve day)

View the full examination library.

Having regard to Government guidance in the Written Ministerial Statement of Wednesday 13 May, the Inspector has decided to publish her Matters Issues and Questions (MIQs) for Stage 2 of the Examination.  View the ID-14 - Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) and ID-13 - explanatory Guidance Note.  The Inspector has invited written statements in response to her MIQs by Friday 7 August 2020 and set an earlier deadline of Friday 3 July 2020 for participants to notify the Programme Officer about whether they wish to appear at hearings if they have a right to do so.  Hearing dates are yet to be set, but any necessary events are likely to commence in the autumn.  At present, face to face hearings are not possible and so, unless the guidance changes, these would take the form of virtual/digital events assisted by technology.  The situation will be monitored and further information will be provided in due course.

"I await an update on the council's additional work and its implications for the submitted plan and the examination.  I understand that the council will not be in a position to undertake any necessary consultation until the end of May 2019, but look forward to receiving any further programming information".

On-going correspondence between the Inspector and the council can be seen on the Inspector's documents  and council's documents pages.  Submissions from representors can be viewed on the representor's documents pages - representor's documents - stage 1 and representor's documents - stage 2.

Examination Library

A complete list of the documents relevant to the examination is available in the examination library index. The documents in the library will help support the examination through-out its duration. 

More information can be found on the examination library page.

Programme Officer

The Programme Officer (PO) manages the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process and acts as a liaison between the council, the Inspector and participants in the examination.  The PO has no involvement with the preparation of the BLPSV and reports directly to the Inspector.  

More information can be found on the Programme Officer page.

The council has appointed Charlotte Glancy, of Banks Solutions to act as the PO for the BLPSV examination. 

More information can be found on the Programme Officer page..

For further information, please contact us:

Planning Policy Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom