Parks in Maidenhead

Listing of all parks and open spaces in Maidenhead.

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Parks and Open spaces - Maidenhead map

51.52010628, -0.746254921
51.5133364, -0.717973709
51.5242585, -0.703060627
51.50697954, -0.745954514
51.52759603, -0.717179775
51.51341652, -0.738079548
51.53194113, -0.750675201
51.5159633, -0.7200459
51.519906, -0.725698471
51.52193544, -0.703146458
51.5056768, -0.7533244
51.52450505, -0.722770802
51.5228774, -0.710293
51.53396291, -0.722385209
51.5159332, -0.7765506
51.53382091, -0.71937776
51.53482597, -0.729251229
51.53396111, -0.722408648
51.52971548, -0.744390817
51.50263716, -0.73504196
51.53473244, -0.69850526
51.52408196, -0.735879033
51.52867589, -0.702844974
51.51172326, -0.730355441
51.53912905, -0.730252959
51.53965392, -0.732407424
51.50467177, -0.736321936
51.50437722, -0.74397299

Parks and Open spaces - Maidenhead

For information about parks and open spaces in Maidenhead  watch our short YouTube video

How to find a park:

  • Use our interactive map for more information and directions to parks in Maidenhead (Directions not supported by Internet Explorer)
  • Browse records within our Windsor parks and open spaces directory below.

Please note: BBQs and metal detectors are not permitted in any of the parks and open spaces.

Browse records

For further information, please contact us:

Outdoor Facilities Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom