Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Size: 61,809 sq m/ 6.1 hectares
A walk around the perimeter of this park will contribute 2,000 steps to the advised 10,000 daily steps recommended to improve fitness.
BBQs are not permitted in any of the parks and open spaces.
Accessed from the Henley Road (A4130)
Open space managed by the Royal Borough and the National Trust. For more information about Maidenhead Thicket, please see the National Trust website.
Maidenhead Thicket, mentioned in historic documents dating back to the 17th century and the site of a prehistoric
Celtic farm enclosure, contains an impressive display of wild flowers in spring.
The pond system and calcareous marsh are exceptionally rich, supporting a long list of rare and local plants
including greater bladderwort, flowering rush, water violet, needle-spike rush and two very rare water peppers.
There is an impressive aquatic invertebrate fauna including scarce dragonflies such as the variable damselfly
and numerous specialist flies such as soldier flies. All three species of newt occur along with an assortment of
wetland birds.(Taken from National Trust notes)
If you would like to report an issue in one of our parks, for example an issue with the play equipment, bins, public toilets or car park, please use the online form below.