Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document

The Council prepared a draft Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation.

The consultation ran for six weeks from Monday 16 October 2023 until 23:59 on Monday 27 November 2023. The consultation is now closed.

If you have any questions about the draft SPD or the consultation process please contact

Consultation Documents

Consultation Events

In person and online engagement events were held on the following dates and times:

  • Thursday 2 November 2023 from 2pm to 6.30pm – Maidenhead Library in-person drop-in session.
  • Wednesday 8 November 2023 from 6pm to 7.30pm – The Presentation Slides from the event are now available.
  • Tuesday 14 November 2023 from 2pm to 6.30pm – Windsor Library in-person drop-in session.

Next steps

Following the closure of the consultation, all comments received will be reviewed and a final version of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be prepared.