Emerging supplementary planning documents (SPDs)

Ascot Placemaking Supplementary Planning Document

Ascot Placemaking Supplementary Planning Document 

The Borough Local Plan includes a high-level vision to rejuvenate Ascot as a vibrant place for the community, with an improved High Street and high-quality new development that is well integrated into Ascot and protects its green and leafy character. New development in Ascot will be focused on the High Street.  

The Royal Borough is working with residents, community groups, businesses and other partners to produce a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that will guide future development in the area, complementing the vision set in the Borough Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan.

The SPD will provide more detail to guide developers in shaping planning applications and the Council in deciding them, as well as setting out proposals to improve the High Street. 

Consultation update

Early engagement for the Ascot SPD and Public Realm Improvements closed on Friday 12 April 2024 and we would like to thank everyone that provided feedback.   

Work is now underway to analyse this feedback and feed it into the process of drafting the Ascot SPD and shaping the plan for the Public Realm Improvements.    
If you were unable to attend either of the workshops (held on Thursday 22 February 2024 and Tuesday 26 March 2024) the presentations are included on our RBWM Together website.  

Next Steps 

It is anticipated a draft of the SPD will be prepared ready for public consultation in late summer 2024.