
The Submission documents submitted to the Planning Inspector for the Examination of the Plan are listed below.

On Wednesday 31 January 2018, the Council submitted the Proposed Submission Borough Local Plan and supporting documents to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for independent examination.

View the Notice of Submission. 

The Submission documents submitted to the Planning Inspector for the Examination of the Plan are listed below.

Hard copies of the core documents are available to view in the following council buildings and electronically at the links shown in the tables below.

Borough Local Plan Submission documents

1. Core documents (CD)

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
CD_001 Borough Local Plan Submission Version (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_002 Draft Borough Local Plan 2013-2033 (Dec 2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_003 Policies Map - Overview (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_003a Policies Map 1 - Maidenhead and Cookham (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_003b Policies Map 2 - Holyport and the Walthams (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_003c Policies Map 3 - Windsor, Old Windsor and Datchet (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_003d Policies Map 4 - Ascot, Sunningdale and Sunninghill (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_004 Sustainability Appraisal Report (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_005 SA Regulation 19 Addendum (Jan 18).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_006 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_007 Sustainability Appraisal - Reg 18 Report (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_008 HRA and Air Quality Update (Jan 18).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_009 HRA Screening Report (2017 draft).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_009a HRA Appendices (2017 maps).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_010 HRA Screening Report (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_010a HRA Appendix (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_011 Habitat Regulations Preliminary Screening Opinion Dec 2013 inc Jacobs report.pdf 31/01/2018
Link only Representations by Representor (consultation database - Objective) 31/01/2018
CD_012 (superseded by V2) Representations by Representor (Alphabetical) Order (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_012 V2 Representations by Representor (Alphabetical) Order (Jan 2018) - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
Link only Representations by Consultation Point Order  (consultation database - Objective) 31/01/2018
CD_013 (superseded by V2) Representations by Consultation Point (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_013 V2 Representations by Consultation Point (Jan 2018).pdf 09/03/2018
CD_014 (superseded by V2) Summary of Representors.pdf 31/01/2018
CD_014 V2 Summary of Representors - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
CD_015 (superseded by V2) Representors by category-including exam attendance.pdf 31/01/2018
CD_015 V2 Representors by category-including exam attendance - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
CD_016 Statement on Regulation 18 Consultation December 2016 (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_016a Statement on Regulation 18 Consultation December 2016 - Appendix 6 (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_017 Updated Consultation Statement (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_018 (superseded by V2) Regulation 22(1c) Report (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_018 V2 Regulation 22(1c) Report (Jan 2018) - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
CD_018a (superseded by V2) Regulation 22 Report Appendix 5 (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_018a V2 Regulation 22 Report Appendix 5 (Jan 2018) - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
CD_018b (superseded by V2) Regulation 22 Report Appendix 6 (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_018b V2 Regulation 22 Report Appendix 6 (Jan 2018) - V2.pdf 09/03/2018
CD_019 Statement of Fact (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_020 Local Development Scheme (LDS) (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_021 Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_022 Updated Duty to Cooperate Statement (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_023 Borough Local Plan (BLP) Errata.pdf 31/01/2018
CD_024 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_025 Equality Impact Assessment (Jun 2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_026 Viability Report (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_027 Table of Changes - Reg 18 to Reg 19 (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
CD_028 Record of Exercise of Delegated Authority (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018

2. Supporting documents

Topic paper

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_001 Updated Topic Paper - Shaping the Future.pdf (2018) 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_002 SHMA Berkshire (including South Bucks) 2016.pdf 31/01/2018
SD_003 HELAA (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_004 HELAA Methodology (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_005 HELAA (2016) Maps.pdf 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_006 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (Jan 2018).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_007 Wind Survey (2015).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_007a Wind Mapping - Medium and Large.pdf 31/01/2018
SD_007b Wind Mapping - Small.pdf 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_008 Strategic Highway Model - Local Plan Assessment (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_008a Strategic Highway Model - Local Data Collection Report (2017) .pdf 31/01/2018
SD_008b Strategic Highway Model - Local Model Validation Report (2017).pdf 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_009 Employment - Local SensitivityTest of Employment Land Needs (Jan2018).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_010 Supplementary Market Analysis Employment Land Review (2018).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_011 Berkshire FEMA Study - Main Report (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_011a Berkshire FEMA Study - Appendices (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_012 Economic Development Needs Assessment (EDNA) - Central Berkshire (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_013 Economic Development Needs Assessment (EDNA) - Eastern Berkshire (2016).pdf 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_014 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1 (2017).pdf 31/01/2018

Green Belt

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_015 Green Belt Purpose Analysis (2013).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_016 Green Belt Boundary Study (Dec 2013).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_017 Number not used Number not used
SD_018 Edge of Settlement Analysis Part 1 (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_019 Edge of Settlement Analysis Part 2 (2016).pdf 31/01/2018

Nature Conservation

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_020 31/01/2018
SD_021 31/01/2018

Open space and recreation

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_022 Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_023 Indoor Sport and Leisure Facility Strategy (2016).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_024 Open Space Audit (2008).pdf 31/01/2018


Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_025 Retail Town Centre Study- Main report (2015).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_025a Retail Town Centre Study - Appendices (2015).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_025b Retail Town Centre Study - Annex A-B (2015).pdf 31/01/2018

Placemaking and design

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_026 Landscape Character Assessment Part 1 - Main Document (2004).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_026a Landscape Character Assessment Part 1 - Map of Borough (2004).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_026b Landscape Character Assessment Part 1 - Appendices Map (2004).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_027 Landscape Character Assessment Part 2 - Landscape Strategy and Guidelines (2004).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_028 Townscape Assessment Vol 1- Maidenhead and Cookham(2010).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_029 Townscape Assessment Vol 2 -Windsor Group (2010).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_030 Townscape Assessment Vol 3 Ascot Group (2010).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_031 Conservation Areas 31/01/2018

Neighbourhood plans

Reference Document Date submitted to Inspector
SD_032 Hurley and the Walthams NP (2017).pdf 31/01/2018
SD_033 Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale NP (2014).pdf 31/01/2018
For further information, please contact us:

Planning Policy Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom