Planning applications and highways

Any planning applications where there could be highway issues are assessed in terms of highway safety issues.

General guidance

As a unitary authority we act as both the local planning and highway authorities.

Any planning applications where there could be highway issues are assessed in terms of highway safety issues such as:

  • Visibility,
  • Turning traffic,
  • Design,
  • Increased capacity,
  • Parking.

Our Highway Design Guide below sets out the general principles and standards to be used for the layout of roads and paved areas in developments.

New roads, paved areas and highway structures must be constructed to the specifications shown in the Standard Drawings below.

We may ask for developer contributions for any highway works that are needed as a result of the development as outlined in our Local Development Framework's Supplementary Planning section.

When consulted we have 28 days in which to respond, but if further information is required this may affect this timescale.

When making a decision we have three options:

  • Offer no objections - where the application will have no detrimental effect on highway safety.
  • Request planning conditions - where the application will be acceptable subject to certain conditions being met. These must be reasonable, legal and enforceable.
  • Request that the application be refused on the grounds of highway safety. The applicant has the right to challenge these reasons at planning appeal.