Local land charges

It is important to have a local authority search carried out when buying a property as it is designed to protect prospective purchasers by informing them of any restrictions upon the land.

Local land fees and charges

Charges from 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024

Search fees

Standard Official Search (LLC1 and CON29R) : £156.00 : VAT : £21.10 : Total : £177.10
Official Certificate of Search (Form LLC1 only) : £50.50 : VAT:  £0.00 : Total : £50.50
Enquiries of local authority (Form CON29R only) Part 1 Enquiries *  : £105.50 : VAT : £21.10 : Total : £126.60
Additional Parcel of Land (Each) : £80.00 : VAT : £16.00 : Total : £96.00

CON29O Optional Enquiries of the Local Authority

Question 4 - Road Proposals by public bodies : £56.00 : VAT :  £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 5 - Public Paths of Byways : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 6 - Advertisements : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 7 - Completion Notices : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 8 - Parks and Countryside : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 9 - Pipelines : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 10 - Houses in Multiple Occupation : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 11 - Noise Abatement : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 12 - Urban Development Areas : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 13 - Enterprise Zones : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 14 - Inner Urban Improvement Areas : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 15 - Simplified Planning Zones : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 16 - Land Maintenance Notices : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 17 - Mineral Consultation Areas : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 18 - Hazardous Substance Consents : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 19 - Environmental and Pollution Notices : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 20 - Food Safety Notices : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 21 - Hedgerows Notices : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20
Question 22 - Common Land Town and Village Green : £56.00 : VAT : £11.20 : Total : £67.20

*Standalone CON29R and CON29O searches attract an additional fee (Payable once per search) : £3.40 : VAT : £0.00 : Total : £3.80

Personal Searches by email to land.charges@rbwm.gov.ukNo charge

Highways information with personal searches: No Charge

CIL information with personal searches: £5.00 : VAT : £1.00 : Total : £6.00

Repeat Search - LLC1 and CON29R - within 2 months of original search (including if search was ordered by any firm, provided that we are sent a copy of the first page of a full search).  : £64.00 :VAT : £12.80 : Total : £76.80