Submit detailed plans of the work you are doing, this method gives you the most protection.
You can choose this method for any domestic building work as well as commercial, office and industrial developments.
Read the guidance notes and checklist on the Legislation website before applying for full plans.
In the case of the erection or extension of a building, please provide a site location plan at a scale of not less than 1:1250.
Your plans must clearly show the proposed building or extension, with:
- detailed structural information and calculations.
- the plans must be to a recognised metric scale i.e. 1:50, 1:100.
- include all dimensions and clearly show construction details, ground and building levels and boundary distances.
- if the site location plan submitted is an extract of an Ordnance Survey map, the map submitted must contain the Ordnance Survey copyright disclaimer and the mapping data (licence number).
- for national validation requirements.
We will check your application to make sure that it meets the minimum requirements of the Building Regulations. We have a statutory five week target to make a decision on your application from the date of deposit, although you can agree to extend this to two calendar months, which may provide you with more time in providing any further information which we may require.
If your application meets the Building Regulations, we will approve it.
If it doesn't meet the minimum requirements, we will send you or your agent a schedule of additional information required. We will require amended plans clearly showing your amendments to be submitted to us at least five days prior to the decision due date.
If you wish to send your amendments electronically, please send them by email to
Where a conditional approval is given you can submit plans clearly showing your amendments to discharge those conditions. The amendments must be returned at least 14 days prior to starting this part of the works.
You are required to give us notice of the commencement of work and at various stages of construction so we can carry out our site inspections.
We are no longer able to accept applications through the Planning Portal please apply using the online forms or contact us on 01628 796 915 if you require any assistance.
Apply for: Building control : Full plans