Town Twinning

The concept of twinning (International Partnerships) began in Europe as early as the turn of the 20th Century.

Events, activities and exchanges

Schools and education

  • School visits and exchanges.
  • Language school stays.
  • Pen friends.
  • Internet links.
  • Student Teacher placements.
  • Youth.

Youth exchanges

  • Adventure holidays.
  • Sport.

Sports tournaments

  • International youth sports festivals.
  • Sports clubs competitions - swimming, football.
  • Ramblers.
  • Disabled sports associations.
  • Cultural groups.

Music groups - choirs, orchestras, bands

  • Drama groups.
  • Exhibitions.
  • Festivals/carnivals.
  • Painting groups.
  • Gardens visits.

Work and Industry

  • Fire officers exchanges.
  • Police officers exchanges.
  • Trade Union conventions.
  • Placements for apprentices and trainees.
  • Shop window display competitions.

Health and Welfare

  • Care for the elderly - exchanges of ideas, information and 'best practice' .
  • Housing services - exchanges of ideas, information and 'best practice'.
  • Waste disposal services - exchanges of ideas, information and 'best practice'.

Other Special Interest

  • Individual and family visits and exchanges.
  • Service clubs (rotary, round table, Lions) visits and exchanges. Civic visits.