Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
The Localism Act introduces statutory neighbourhood planning in England.
Consultation closed
The Maidenhead Neighbourhood Forum have submitted an application to the Council to designate the whole of the “unparished” area of Maidenhead as a Neighbourhood Area. They have also applied for the Maidenhead Neighbourhood Forum to be formally designated as a neighbourhood forum for the purposes of preparing a neighbourhood development plan for Maidenhead.
The Council consulted on these proposals between Tuesday 25 October 2022 and Tuesday 6 December 2022. You can view the representations on the consultation portal. The Council is currently considering the representations prior to making a decision on the applications.
Neighbourhood development plans put in place at a local level planning policies for a neighbourhood area to help guide development. They are concerned with the use and development of land and may contain a vision, aims, planning policies, proposals for improving the area, and allocation of sites for specific kinds of development. They have to meet certain “basic conditions” including being in general conformity with the strategic policies of local plans, such as the Borough Local Plan. Once a neighbourhood development plan is “made” (ie approved) it becomes part of the statutory development plan for the area and will become an important document in helping to determine planning applications in that area.
Before work can commence on a neighbourhood development plan, a neighbourhood area has to be formally designated and, because there is no town or parish council covering the area proposed, a neighbourhood forum is required to be designated to prepare the plan.
The Proposed Maidenhead Neighbourhood Area is shown on the map.
It is important to note that if a designation is made no other organisation or body may be designated for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.
You can review the applications proposing the Maidenhead Neighbourhood Area and Maidenhead Neighbourhood Forum and supporting documents on our consultation portal and via the following links:
Paper copies of the above documents can also be viewed at the following locations during their usual opening hours:
Further information on neighbourhood planning, including the designation of neighbourhood areas and forums, can be found in the following documents:
Should you have any queries about the recent consultation on the Maidenhead Neighbourhood Area and Forum applications do not hesitate to contact us by emailing