Unoccupied and unfurnished
From 1 April 2017 all empty properties that are unfurnished are no longer entitled to a discount, a 100% charge is applicable.
Please notify us on the form below if a property is unoccupied and unfurnished.
Apply for Unoccupied and unfurnished exemption
Miscellaneous discount or exemption
You do not have to pay council tax if your property is unoccupied and is:
- Class B: Unoccupied and owned by a charity,
- Class G; Unoccupied property-Occupation prohibited by law,
- Class H: Unoccupied property-Pending Occupation by a minister of religion,
- Class I:Unoccupied Property-Empty as you have left to receive care,
- Class J: Unoccupied property-Empty as person vacated in order to provide care,
- Class K: Unoccupied property-Empty as person living away from home whilst a student,
- Class L: Unoccupied property-Mortgagee has taken possession,
- Class M: Halls of residence (owned by university/colleges),
- Class O: Property owned by the Ministry of Defence,
- Class R: Empty caravan pitch or mooring,
- Class S: Occupied by person(s) under 18 years of age,
- Class T: Unoccupied property-Self contained property forming part of another dwelling where it cannot be let separately under planning restrictions,
- Class V: Occupied property-Occupier is entitled to diplomatic immunity.
Apply for Miscellaneous discount/exemption