Privacy notices: Economic growth

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Enjoy Maidenhead: privacy notice

Who we are

Enjoy Maidenhead
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall, St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Telephone - 01628 796128

Lawful basis for processing information

General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(a) Consent. And where special category personal data is processed Article 9 (2)(a) explicit consent.

How we collect information

Personal data is provided by people signing up to events we run in the town centres.

Forms are usually completed online or they are asked to complete consent forms on the day of the event.

Categories of information collected

Name, address, contact details, preferred method of contact, medical history, emergency contact details, accident/incident details/ evaluation/ images and videos consent/ permission for under 18’s to take part in activity/ projects or equivalent.

How we use the information provided

  • To promote relevant Maidenhead Town Centre Opportunities.
  • To assess readiness for activity.
  • To help evaluate events i.e. number of recipients/ what they think about our event.
  • To share images/videos with permission for the Enjoy Maidenhead website, social media, sponsorship packs and the press.

Who has access to the information about you

  • Maidenhead Town Centre Team / Emergency services in an emergency.
  • 999 – Police, Ambulance, Fire Services, First Aiders.

Who we may share your information with

Survey Monkey we use this website to send out short surveys to capture feedback from our events to help us improve them each year. See the Survey Monkey privacy policy.

Mail Chimp is used to send out information about events and activities that are taking place in and around Maidenhead Town Centre. See the Mail Chimp privacy notice.

We only share your information if required to do so by law or if required to do so to provide emergency assistance to you where you are incapable of providing consent.

How long we store your information

Your personal data will be kept for 13 months and you can ask us to remove this at any time by emailing us on Images, videos and case studies will be stored on the Maidenhead Town Centre archive file as a permanent record.

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No