Privacy notices: Economic growth

List of all privacy notices for enjoy Maidenhead and Multiply.

Enjoy Maidenhead Markets and promotional space: Privacy notice

Who we are

Enjoy Maidenhead
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall, St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Telephone : 01628 796128

Lawful basis for processing personal data

General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(a) Consent or where emergency assistance is required where you are incapable of providing consent we rely on Article 6(1)(d) processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.

How we collect information

Personal Data is provided by individuals and organisations looking to trade in Maidenhead town centre or have promotional space. Forms are completed online via the Royal Borough website.

What information is collected

Name, address, contact details, business information and relevant documentation such as evidence of public liability insurance, gas safety certifications and health and hygiene certificates. .

How we use the information provided

The information is used to process applications to trade on the Maidenhead Markets and to book promotional space in Maidenhead Town Centre.

Who has access to the information about you

Maidenhead Town Centre Team. 

Who we may share your information with

Survey Monkey: we use this website to send out short surveys to capture feedback from our events to help us improve them each year. See Survey Monkey privacy notice for more information.

Mail Chimp: is used to send out information about events and activities that are taking place in and around Maidenhead Town Centre. See Mailchimp privacy notice for more information.

We only share your information if required to do so by law or if required to do so to provide emergency assistance to you where you are incapable of providing consent.

How long we store your information

Your personal data will be kept for 13 months and you can ask us to remove this at any time by emailing us on

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No