How to become a councillor

Full Borough Council elections are held in all wards every four years, usually the first Thursday in May. The next scheduled Borough and parish council elections are Thursday 6 May 2027.

Is there a charge to stand?

There is no charge to stand as a candidate in Borough or Parish elections. There may be other expenses in standing for election that will have to be paid. The amount depends on the type of election, but there is a limit on how much can be spent.

There is a basic fee plus an amount for every elector on the relevant register of electors. Forms must be filled in to say how much you have spent and you must keep all your receipts for expenditure over £10 to go with the forms. Expenses are not reimbursed by the Borough or Parish Council.

To stand at a UK Parliamentary election you will need a £500 deposit which is returned only if you receive more than 5% of the votes cast.