How to vote anonymously
Your name and address will be on the electoral register if you register to vote.
If you think your name and address being on the electoral register could affect your safety, or the safety of someone in your household, you can register to vote anonymously.
This means you will still be able to vote, but your name and address will not be on the electoral register. Your electoral registration office will not disclose your details to anyone, unless they are legally required to. You can register to vote anonymously on the Electoral Commission website.
There are three steps to register to vote anonymously.
You will need to:
- download and complete the application form.
- explain why your safety, or the safety of someone in your household, would be at risk if your details were on the electoral register.
- submit evidence to support your registration.
You will need to return your application form, explanation and evidence to Electoral Services at the contact details below.
How long does an anonymous registration remain valid?
Registration lasts for 12 months from the day the anonymous entry is first made on the register. After this you will need to re-apply. We will contact you in good time to tell you what information you need to provide to enable the registration to continue and provided it remains valid, the same evidence or proof can be used to renew your anonymous registration.
Applying for an Anonymous Elector’s Document
If you are registered to vote anonymously and want to vote at a polling station, you will need to apply for an Anonymous Elector’s Document for elections that require photo ID. You cannot use any other types of photo ID to vote.
As we approach an election we will invite you to apply for an Anonymous Elector’s Document but you can also contact us to request one.