Overview and Scrutiny at RBWM consists of three main panels: Corporate, Adults, Children & Health and Place. Each Panel is aligned to a core theme of the Council Plan, which was adopted in November 2021 and is more closely aligned with the responsibilities of each of the Executive Directors.
Adults, Children & Health and Place have four scheduled meetings a year, with Corporate having six meetings a year due to its wider responsibility and overarching scrutiny role.
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel
The Panel’s remit covers the following areas:
- Finance
- Revenues and Benefits
- Library and Resident Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Legal Services
- Governance
- Strategy
- Communications
- Transformation
- Commissioning and Procurement
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel also plays a key role in the scrutinising the annual budget and monitoring the council’s performance on an ongoing basis.
Further information and dates of Panel meetings can be found on Modern.GOV Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel page.
Adults, Children & Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
The Panel’s remit covers the following areas:
- Adult Services
- Children’s Services
- Schools and Education
- Public Health
Further information and dates of Panel meetings can be found on Modern.GOV Adults, Children & Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel page.
Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel
The Panel’s remit covers the following areas:
- Planning
- Environmental Health
- Housing
- Neighbourhoods
- Infrastructure, Sustainability and Economic
- Health Partnerships and Community Growth Development
Further information and dates of Panel meetings can be found on Modern.GOV Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel page.
Previous Panels
In May 2022, we changed the structure of overview and scrutiny and reduced the number of Panels from four to three. Documentation from the four previous Panels are available to view below: (linked to Modern.GOV website).
In November 2024, the People Overview and Scrutiny Panel was renamed the Adults, Children & Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
Annual Report
There is a requirement for Overview and Scrutiny to submit an annual report each year to a meeting of Full Council, highlighting the work of each Panel and what topics have been scrutinised. The report gives a brief summary of the work and findings of each Panel while looking to pick out some key areas of positive scrutiny, along with some commentary on what was achieved by the Panel.