Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
All democracy-related information is now located on a new system. (Modern.Gov)
We are inviting residents to suggest items for inclusion within the work programmes for the three relevant overview and scrutiny panels:
As part of the council’s Constitution under Part 4 (A7.2), we invite you to submit topics of scrutiny for potential consideration by the relevant overview and scrutiny panel.
If you have any suggestions of topics that you wish to be considered for scrutiny, please complete the suggestion form. Your request will then be considered for approval against the outlined criteria and considered for inclusion on the relevant work programme.
Topics should relate to a service, event or issue which affects the social, environmental or economic wellbeing of a group or community of the people in the borough.
For further information, please contact the Scrutiny Officer by emailing: or call 01628 796345.
Apply for: Resident engagement overview and scrutiny topic suggestions
All scrutiny meetings are held in public at either the Town Hall in Maidenhead or York House in Windsor. Residents are welcome to observe meetings in person or watch via our YouTube channel.
To speak at a meeting, please email before 5pm, two working days before the meeting takes place. You will need to let us know which agenda item you would like to speak on. Should you be registered to speak at the meeting, you will be allowed three minutes to address the Panel. You can attend to speak either in person or virtually.
Further information on speaking at council meetings can be found in Part 7F of the Council's Constitution.