Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
In the Royal Borough, we stand together with the people of Ukraine, whose lives are being so brutally affected by this terrible war.
If you suspect that an adult is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect then you must Raise a Safeguarding Concern.
An adult safeguarding concern is any worry about an adult who satisfies the three characteristics below:
If you are concerned about someone, please phone adult social care on 01628 683744 during normal office working hours. If emergency help is required outside office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01344 351999. If you think someone is in immediate danger, please phone the emergency services on 999.
Some people may not require safeguarding from abuse but may still be struggling to manage basic care needs due to a disability or illness.
By completing an assessment process, the local authority will determine whether the individual has eligible needs or not.
The three part National Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care support from the local authority is as follows:
3. Is/Will the inability to achieve two or more outcomes cause a ‘significant impact on their wellbeing’?
If a person satisfies all three parts to the test then they may receive support from the council. This will involve strengths based support plan that enables the wellbeing matter to be addressed, whilst promoting independence and enabling risk. As such the response may range from the provision of information and advice to the provision of support
A financial assessment accompanies a social care assessment to establish the contribution a service user may need to pay towards the cost of any services they do receive from the council.
If you require a Social care assessment, or are acting on behalf of someone else then please use the link below.
Request a social care assessment
You can also phone adult social care on 01628 683744 during normal office working hours. If emergency help is required outside office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01344 351999.