Current flood warnings
To view any flood warnings or flood alerts which are currently in force across Windsor and Maidenhead, please visit the check for flooding page on the Gov.UK website.
You can also check the Met Office website for weather forecasts and follow us on Facebook for updates.
Report flooding
If you have a concern about flooding or highway drainage and blocked gulleys in the borough, please report it through the Report a flooding or drainage problem webpage or contact flooding.enquiries@rbwm.gov.uk.
What to do if a flood is happening now
During a flooding incident, you should focus on the safety of yourself and others and stay out of floodwater. If a flood is happening now and there is a risk to life, call 999.
Please be aware that during severe weather, the emergency services will be very busy.
If there's a flood happening near you, follow the advice below to make sure you are well prepared and safe.
- Move vehicles out of flood risk areas, but do not drive or walk through floodwater
- Put any physical flood defences you have in place
- Close and lock downstairs windows and doors
- If you need to evacuate, please visit the evacuation & shelter and pet welfare during emergencies pages for more guidance.
- Prepare your grab bag
Continue to listen to updates from your local radio station, the council website and social media, and any local flood wardens. You can call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
If you come into contact with floodwater, wash any exposed skin with bottled or cool boiled water before handling food or looking after wounds. Flood water often has sewage and other materials in it which may lead to infections and illness.
Before, during and after flooding incidents, the council will help wherever possible by:
- Closing roads if flooded.
- Providing sandbags only where vulnerable residents need assistance to protect their homes (excluding outhouses) where there is an imminent risk of flooding. Sandbags will not be provided as a precautionary measure. Vulnerable residents are regarded as those who as a result of age, disability or illness are unable to take protective action to safeguard themselves or their property.
- Looking after the elderly and vulnerable.
- Providing evacuation centres if large numbers of people are made homeless.
Roads closed due to flooding
For the latest road closure details, please visit the road closures map.
Sewage flooding and blockages can occur during a flood and is a health hazard. Sewers and drains can also become blocked at any time.
Intense rainfall can cause sewage flooding, if the flood water finds its way into the sewers. Flood water can then become contaminated with sewage which is hazardous to health and should be managed carefully.
Contact your GP immediately or call NHS 111 if you have diarrhoea or vomiting after a flood and tell them about the flooding. Following basic hygiene procedures can help reduce the health risk from sewage flooding
Thames Water is responsible for maintaining, repairing and clearing sewers and drains. You can find contact details and information about clean up and compensation on the Thames Water website.
Be Prepared
Find out if you are at risk of flooding
To find out if your property is at risk of flooding, you can check the long term flood risk on the GOV.UK website.
The Environment Agency is responsible for managing main rivers such as The Thames, The Colne, The Cut and The Bourne, and provides flood warnings and response to any incident from the main rivers in the Borough. The council is committed to working with the Agency, the emergency services and with local people to offer assistance when flooding takes place.
The first step to being prepared is to check whether you live in a flood risk area. If you do, it's worth considering additional protective measures to prevent your home from flooding:
- sign up to the free flood warning system to get early flood alerts and flood warnings
- download, print and fill in this personal flood plan
- prepare yourself, your family, your property (home or business) for flooding
- find out if there is a flood forum in your area where you can find out more about flood risk in your local area and what you can do
- find out if there are any flood wardens for your community who can give you more advice about the local area and what you can do
- find out if there is a community emergency group who can give you advice. If there is no community emergency group or flood forum in your area you may wish to start one.
Protecting your property
See The Environment Agency’s advice on protecting your home and Met Office’s guidance on preparing for a flood which could save your family, possessions and livelihood.
Further advice
The National Flood Forum supports and represents communities and individuals who may be affected by flooding.
More information on ways to anticipate and deal with flood risk can be found in the 'Homeowners Guide to Flood Resilience' - you can download a copy through the 'Know your Flood Risk' campaign website.
Other useful information
See GOV.UK website for additional advise on planning, managing and recovering from a flood
Further information about roles and responsibilities for flooding can be found in the council's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
Flood codes and their meaning
Flood alert – A flood alert will indicate that flooding is possible and that you need to be prepared. Normally this means that rivers are likely to break their banks and spill out into the surrounding areas, flood plains and low lying roads and footpaths.
Flood warning – indicates that flooding is expected inside properties and that immediate action should be taken. You should take action when a flood warning is issued and not wait for a severe flood warning.
Severe flood warning – indicated that there is severe flooding and danger to life. These will be issued only when flooding is posing significant threat to life or disruption to communities.
Environment Agency floodline number: 0345 9881188.