Access Protection Marking is a white line with T ends, it is only advisory and has no legal standing. The presence of the marking indicates to other motorists a presence of the access to property.
Obstruction of dropped access to the property is enforced by Police only if the property owner is unable to get off the premises onto the highway.
On receipt of your application we would ask a Highways Inspector to check whether your application fulfils all requirements (this can take up to 20 working days). We also perform spot checks that the vehicle is parked fully within the designated off street parking space. If the Inspector agrees that your application can be granted the markings will be ordered.
Markings are put in place between 8–10 weeks from order date.
Access protection markings will only be placed from the first kerb stone that has been lowered to the last one that is lowered or over the crossing point only, whichever causes less impact on the highway.
If you have any further questions please contact
A fee of £145 will be charged on submission of this application. Should the application be refused, refund will be processed.
Apply for: Access Protection Markings