New address registration guide

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead act as the Street Naming and Numbering Authority under the Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 section 64, and the Public Health Act 1925 sections 17-19.

How to register a new address: Your obligations

  1. Applicants are required to initiate the process. The applicant should contact the authority as early as possible in the development process and certainly no later than eight weeks before the first occupancy. See additional notes below.

    The new address registration process is unable to commence without the following:

    • A valid completed and signed address registration form.
    • The site layout plan, clearly indicating the plot numbers and the extent of each separate dwelling, office or business unit . Including the pedestrian and vehicular access, plus the level information if a multiple occupancy building. If the property is on a street that does not contain house numbers the developer must allocate a name.
    • The site location plan showing the location of the development.

    Soft copy site location and site layout plans are preferred. A3 is the maximum acceptable size of plans.

  2. The applicant should email or post the completed application form, plus accompanying documentation. See the correspondence information below.
  3. The applicant undertakes to inform the council of any amendments to the site layout that are made subsequent to their original address registration application.
  4. It is the applicant's responsibility to inform any purchaser of the allocated address of the property concerned. It is not the council's duty to inform Royal Mail of the occupation status of the new development.
  5. The applicant is responsible for providing satisfactory property and, where relevant, new street signage. When a property has been allocated a property name or number it must be displayed and be clearly visible from the street. If the property has been allocated a house number this number cannot be removed from the address and must be clearly displayed on the property. The owner is obliged to use this number.
  6. The applicant is responsible for the ordering and erection of road names plates, to the specification required by the council. Nameplates are obtained from the council's current approved supplier. Orders should be placed in good time and an allowance of at least six weeks for the delivery of signs from the manufacturer is advisable.
  7. An applicant's failure to comply with the naming and numbering procedures can result in fines for failure to display the correct property numbers or names.

For further information on the supply or erection of road name plates contact Permits on 01628 796135.

Additional notes

Failure to complete, sign and return the forms in sufficient time before completion of the development may result in the disruption of services to the occupiers of units within the development. If you fail to respond to the council's requests to complete this form, or fail to notify us with an acceptable reason for delay, the council will undertake to number and name your development without further recourse to you and will inform you of the resulting addresses.

This action may result in addresses being created that may not be in accordance with your wishes or the marketing of your unit(s). The council will not be responsible for any costs or disruption to services so caused by exercising its statutory function. Costs incurred by the council for this service will be invoiced to you and if not paid will be collected by normal process of law.

Other links

If you are the owner of an existing property and wish to apply to the council for a property name amendment please refer to the address amendment guide.

If you have another query relating to your address please fill in an address query form below.

Apply for: Street Naming and Numbering - Address Query


The allocation of a postal address or addresses does not prejudice, remove or abrogate the obligation to obtain building regulation approval , planning consent or consent under any other legislation in respect of the use, construction or alteration of the building or structure to which an address or addresses has been allocated. Failure to obtain such consents, where required, risks enforcement action being implemented. Further it is the responsibility of the owner and or the occupier to ensure compliance with the legislation relating to Business Rates or Council Tax where appropriate. The Royal Borough is unable to guarantee the accuracy or frequency of address data in third-party organisations including Google.