School streets

School streets information and apply for a school streets digital permit

A School Street is where a road (or a part of a road) near a school entrance temporarily closes to motor traffic at the beginning and end of the school day. 

It creates an area with reduced vehicular movements and a safer, quieter and calmer experience for school children and other pedestrians and cyclists.

Signs inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the School Street.

Why we want to create School Streets

School Streets are part of our Cleaner, Safer, Greener strategy to improve road safety, traffic congestion, and air quality outside the school gates where the highest concentration of vulnerable road users congregate.

The drop-off and pick-up rush at opening and closing times can produce an unsafe environment for pedestrians and motorists alike. 

Parked cars, running children, and manoeuvring vehicles pose hazards even to the best of drivers. School entrances are often located on residential streets that are narrow, and become overwhelmed and jammed up with the extra vehicles at school times. 

School Streets transform residential roads into quieter, calmer spaces.

School Streets are designed to:

  • Improve road safety.
  • Reduce vehicle traffic outside schools.
  • Improve air quality, with fewer engines idling.
  • Reduce inconsiderate parking and dangerous manoeuvres.
  • Encourage more walking, cycling, and kick-scooting to school.
  • Support the mental and physical wellbeing of all children.
  • Create a safer, calmer, more pleasant street.

We have been working with schools in the Borough to promote active travel for a number of years through in-school road safety lessons, Bikeability cycle training and various incentive schemes, however many schools and parents are still concerned by road safety and air pollution around schools.

It is hoped that some of these concerns will be addressed by reducing the number of vehicles at school start and finish times.

Please see example school street video below for Wessex Primary School, Maidenhead.

Permits and exemptions

Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets during the hours of operation unless they are exempt or have a valid digital permit. 

Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the School Street. At some closures, advance warning signs will be installed, where needed, as will camera signs, where appropriate. The signs will display the days and hours that the School Street restrictions will apply. The sign will also show which permit will be required to access the street.

School Streets operate Monday to Friday term time only, at dates and times that coincide with the pick-up and drop-off times for the school or schools on the street.
Signs on the street will tell you what hours the School Street arrangements will apply – these times will vary from street to street.

School term dates change annually and vary from school to school, and cannot be added to a sign. School term dates are published on the school's website. Signs may still be displayed during school holidays when the School Street arrangements are not in effect.

A school street digital permit is required to access a School Street.

Digital permits can be applied for when one of the following criteria applies;

  • Residents living within the School Street (excluding visitors).
  • Care, health and medical workers serving a property within the School Street.
  • School staff.

The following vehicle drivers cannot apply for the digital permit exemption (unless eligible under one of the criteria above) and will be liable to a PCN (penalty charge notice) it they enter the School Street during the operational times:

  • Residents located outside the School Street.
  • Parents/guardians dropping off/collecting children at the school.
  • Other drivers wishing to drive into the street.

Parking permits and blue badges

School Streets permits are issued separately from parking permits. School Street permits manage access to a street and parking permits manage parking on a street.

Similarly, if you have a Blue Badge to help you park this does not give access to restricted streets.

Having a parking permit for the relevant Controlled Parking Zone or a valid Blue Badge will not permit you to enter the School Street during the hours of operation. You will face the risk of incurring a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Ensure you hold the relevant School Street permit for the street in question.

Exceptional deliveries and emergency call-outs

There are some occasional exceptional circumstances which will require a driver to enter the School Street during operating hours.

These drivers may apply for an exemption under exceptional circumstances but must state the ‘reason for application’ as being ‘other’ and select the date of entry for which the permit is required.  This date should be at least 48 hours ahead of making the application.

If a vehicle has entered under the exceptional circumstances without submitting for an exemption first they should email within 24 hours of entering the School Street.  You will not get a reminder about this.  

Exceptional circumstances may include the following and will be considered on a case by case basis as applications are received:

  • Emergency call outs (i.e. burst water pipes, gas leaks, emergency statutory undertaker works etc).
  • Heavy deliveries (i.e appliances or building materials).
  • Emergency deliveries (i.e. refrigerated or timed medication).

You will be asked to produce evidence of your entry reason.  Proof of eligibility can include an invoice or job schedule to confirm delivery time and address. 
Non-essential visitors, services and deliveries should be arranged for outside of School Street times, where possible.

These include the following:

  • Food deliveries.
  • Non-emergency call outs and services (i.e. satellite dish installation or tradespeople doing odd jobs).

Automatic exemptions

Automatic exemptions apply to the following and do not need to register for a digital permit:

  • Emergency vehicles.
  • Council waste trucks.
  • School buses and school transport.
  • Royal Mail postal vehicles.

Withdrawing exemptions/digital permits

Exemptions may be withdrawn if we obtain or receive evidence that an exemption is being misused. For example, if a motorist with an exemption drives or parks in breach of other laws or regulations within the School Street or uses an incorrect address to gain access.

In such cases, drivers will be notified by email of the withdrawal of their exemption.

Apply for a school street digital permit/exemption

Please complete the form below.

Apply for a permit

For further information, please contact us:

School street team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom