Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets during the hours of operation unless they are exempt or have a valid digital permit.
Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the School Street. At some closures, advance warning signs will be installed, where needed, as will camera signs, where appropriate. The signs will display the days and hours that the School Street restrictions will apply. The sign will also show which permit will be required to access the street.
School Streets operate Monday to Friday term time only, at dates and times that coincide with the pick-up and drop-off times for the school or schools on the street.
Signs on the street will tell you what hours the School Street arrangements will apply – these times will vary from street to street.
School term dates change annually and vary from school to school, and cannot be added to a sign. School term dates are published on the school's website. Signs may still be displayed during school holidays when the School Street arrangements are not in effect.
A school street digital permit is required to access a School Street.
Digital permits can be applied for when one of the following criteria applies;
- Residents living within the School Street (excluding visitors).
- Care, health and medical workers serving a property within the School Street.
- School staff.
The following vehicle drivers cannot apply for the digital permit exemption (unless eligible under one of the criteria above) and will be liable to a PCN (penalty charge notice) it they enter the School Street during the operational times:
- Residents located outside the School Street.
- Parents/guardians dropping off/collecting children at the school.
- Other drivers wishing to drive into the street.